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Void Desert Wolf


The Void Desert Wolf, a rare creature that roams the arid landscapes, has been infused with the mysterious power of the void. This powerful influence has heightened its predatory instincts, making its attacks more aggressive and dangerous than ever before. Driven by an insatiable hunger for dominance, this wolf relentlessly seeks out prey, striking with lethal precision.


  • Type: Rare Animal
  • HP: 150
  • Attack Style: Melee combat
  • Damage Output: 55 per strike
  • Attack Radius: 1.0 unit
  • Vision Range: Capable of detecting enemies within 16 blocks
  • Movement Speed: 300, considered slow but steady
  • Experience Yield: 130 XP upon defeat
  • Possible Loot: Void Beast Meat, Soft Hide x2
survival_mode/creatures/void_desert_wolf.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/25 00:18 by don