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Agent Wolf

Wolf Silver was born in the White Wolf clan who's agile, calm, and decisive. He is a member of the High Manda Star's Secret Service-“Beast Attack”. His weapon is a gun blade remade with the help of Mecha Meow. In the team, he acts as a striker in mid-to-close combats. The rotor drone usually hidden in his gloves can be used to assist the attack.

Skin Effects:

  • Avatar: Unlock Avatar
  • Footprint: Leaves agent icons wherever you walk.


  • Gender: Male
  • Race: White Wolf
  • Planet: High Manda
  • Occupation: Agent
  • Organization: Extreme Beast Attack
  • Features: Medium to short range combat, gun blade combat

Interview time

Arell: Wow, a spy! That's so cool! But what's that thing next to me that looks like a bamboo dragonfly?

Agent Wolf: This is a rotor drone, which is usually hidden in the gloves and can be used to assist in the attack at critical moments.

Wushuang: This is Miao Xiaotang's masterpiece. I heard that you scared Miao Xiaotang's cat when you tried the drone.

Agent Wolf: Well, I am a little sorry to say this…

When Agent Wolf opened his eyes, the rain outside had just stopped, and the cold winter wind mixed with the occasional two drops of rain hit the window.

The air was filled with the aroma of hot cocoa, accompanied by the occasional crackle of burning charcoal.

He covered the aching back of his neck and sat up from the operating table.

Outside the glass door, Miao Xiaotang was holding a cup, curled up on a giant single sofa with her countless cats, watching cartoons intently.

Agent Wolf was no longer surprised by such scenes. He quickly got down from the ground and checked all the equipment on his body.

【Folding Gun Blade】

The tail ultra-miniature power supply has been charged laser gun start-up speed,

The blade is sharp and the use is normal.

【Night Walking Cloak】

Add two pieces of the same supermaterial as the lens

Adjustable transparency and hardness, normal use

【Smart Glasses】

Lens replacement with new supermaterials,

Avoid glare interference

Strengthened night vision function, normal use.

Finally, and most importantly of the time, Wolf Silver closed his eyes and said in his head:

Agent Wolf: Drone sortie.

Seconds later, a small rotary-wing drone ejected from Wolf Silver's glove, its blades spinning at high speed, heading straight for a kitten passing by the glass door.

The kitten's fur stood on end in fright and jumped backwards.

One hand steadily intercepted the drone.

Mecha Meow: Look at our little pitiful scared, good, not afraid…..

Agent Wolf: I didn't expect the equipment driven by the mind to be so sensitive, thank you.

Mecha Meow: You white wolf clan, are you all so indifferent?

Before Agent Wolf could react, Mecha Meow had already lifted the kitten up in front of him.

The kitten, who had been frightened just now, had calmed down under the comfort of Meow Candy, and its wet eyes were staring at Agent Wolf.

He pondered uncomfortably for a moment before he opened his mouth dryly.

Agent Wolf: I'm sorry.

Mecha Meow: That's right~

Mecha Meow nodded in relief and placed the kitten next to the crackling electronic stove to keep warm.

She opened the cupboard, and before her hand could touch the cup, a straight voice had reached her ears:

“I don't drink sweet, thank you.”

Closing the cabinet door, a big face close at hand startled Meow Candy.

Mecha Meow: It's very sharp and agile, but big brother, it's scary!

Agent Wolf: Thank you, if it's all right, I should go back to Gormanda and be on standby.

Agent Wolf brushed off a piece of cat hair from her hair, and after bowing her head, she opened the door without looking back, and walked into the damp winter night, and in a blink of an eye she was out of sight.

Mecha Meow looked at the corner where he disappeared and suddenly slapped his thigh……

Mecha Meow: Oops, forgot to say it, hey! You can't take a shower for a week after the chip is implanted!

skins/agent_wolf.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/26 05:11 by don