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Boundless is a planet of martial arts and knights. There are no countries here, only sects. Sects of all sizes rule the world. The knights rely on their own magical skills to do good deeds or commit evil deeds.

Boundless is half ocean and half land. The land is an independent continental plate. All the land is controlled by the first major sect, Chaodu. There are nine counties and one city, namely: Shouyou County, Xianzou County, Qiyu County, Kuyao County, Yuli County, Jinshan County, Xicheng County, Biansai County, Ranjun County and Chaodu. Each county has its own unique resources, such as salt blocks in Jinshan County, game in Xicheng County, lizards in Kuyao County, etc. In addition, there are many unpredictable relics scattered between the mountains and the sea waiting to be discovered.


Boundless Academy General Campus

Boundless Academy is the largest educational institution in the world. Legend has it that the academy was founded by a great scholar in ancient times. There are hundreds of academy branches scattered all over the country to recruit disciples, and the leading body of all these branches is the main academy located in the hive capital.


Tianduo Gate is the main entrance of the academy. “Tianduo” means to educate the world on behalf of God. Tianduo Gate is located directly south of the main courtyard. Entering Tianduo Gate is the boundary of the main courtyard of the academy.


Baimingju is actually the only canteen in the main campus of the academy. Every academy disciple who has studied in the main academy must have been to Baimingju, and must have witnessed the debates at Baimingju during the banquet. The main body of the academy expressly stipulates that all differences of understanding that arise during study can be resolved through debate at the “Difficulty Dispute Seat” in Baimingju.


Chaodou is the capital of the world and the political and economic center of the people of the world. Chaodou is a typical chessboard-shaped city, with a total of eighteen main streets, nine vertically and nine horizontally criss-crossing, evenly dividing the city into eighty-one small blocks.


The Chao Sect is located on the outskirts of Chao Capital. It behaves in a majestic and self-restrained style. It does not allow anyone or any organization to trample on its dignity, nor does it engage in any despicable behavior that is degrading to its status. The nine counties and one capital under the control of the Chao Zong have good public security and affluent life, but due to their high-pressure policies, they have also been resented by many people.

Bath street

A “bath street” was formed in an area rich in springs. The original purpose of cave people taking baths was to get rid of the cold, regain their thinking ability, and help them think things through clearly. Therefore, this “bath street” was also named “bath Street”.

Xing Cong Building

Xingcong Tower is located in the northeast of the hive city and is the tallest building in the world. The building is ninety-nine stories high. There are four spirit stone-driven elevators inside and outside the building. Visitors can swim around the building without having to climb the stairs on foot. Standing on the top of the building, it feels like flying among the stars in the sky.

Immortal Altar

The Immortal Altar was originally buried deep underground. It was resold by cavemen and passed into the hands of the Chao Sect. By deciphering the words on the Immortal Altar, the Chao Sect successfully built a portal and made contact with the immortals.

Bound River

The Bound River is a large river that runs across the entire world, dividing the entire land into northern and southern parts. The Heaven and Earth River passes through the hive and provides water for this huge city. The Heaven and Earth River is a structure in which the above-ground river and the underground river alternate with each other.

Mingxuan Bridge

Among the many bridges in the hive city, Mingxuan Bridge is the most famous one. The bridge body of Mingjue Bridge is made up of huge jade stones. Each jade stone has its own shape, and the joints between each other are perfectly matched, but the colors are different.

Pathfinding Forest

The Pathfinding Forest is located in a deep valley in the northeast of the main courtyard of the academy. It is filled with all kinds of strange and strange pines. The trees seem to be planted randomly, but in fact they coincide with the academy's unique formation of “asking for directions.”

The legacy of tiger and wolf

The entire sect of Chao Sect is located on a high mountain in the suburbs, and its main hall is built on the edge of the cliff. A huge and magnificent picture is carved on the cliff section. It was a group of beasts that looked like tigers and wolves, surrounding a soldier holding a gun.


The city of the cavemen was built underground, originally expanded from natural caves next to several underground rivers. It combines the culmination of caveman architecture and is built in a wide rock crevice.

Fire Cave Dwelling

Fire Cave Dwellings are extremely hot caves close to the center of the earth. They are divided into several layers. Each layer has a different temperature for residents to choose. With each layer you go down, the temperature gets higher, and the lowest layer is even in direct contact with lava.

mini_universe/sector_of_long/boundless.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 13:52 by alexeymini