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×64 items

Finished Product


local function pickupitem(e)
    local item_picked = e.itemid
    Player:gainItems(e.eventobjid, item_picked, 64, 1)
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("Player.PickUpItem", pickupitem)


Defining function

local function pickupitem(e)

This line defines a local function named pickupitem, which takes a single argument e. The function is local, meaning it can only be used within the scope where it's defined.

Determining and adding items

  local item_picked = e.itemid
  Player:gainItems(e.eventobjid, item_picked, 64, 1)

item_picked variable is a variable to determine it and get its ID, after that, it'll add items following the ID got from item_picked

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("Player.PickUpItem", pickupitem)

This line registers the pickupitem function to be called whenever the “Player.PickUpItem” event occurs. “Player.PickUpItem” is the name of the event that gets triggered when a player picks up an item. The pickupitem function will be executed whenever this event happens.

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developer_center/developer_editor/x64_items.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 08:46 by don