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Loading UI

Created UI

Step 1: You need to remember to change the width of the process picture to 0

Step 2: Also, you need to remember the first width of the process picture


local loading_picture = nil
local ratio = nil
local the_first_width_value = nil
-- Define the game function to update the UI
function game(obj)
      -- Set the size of the UI element
      Customui:setSize(obj.eventobjid, loading_picture[1], loading_picture[2], width_value, 86)
-- Increment the width value by a random number between 0 and 5
      width_value = width_value + math.random(6)
      --Calculate the percentage of the current width relative to the initial width
      local percentage = (width_value / the_first_width_value) * 100
      -- Set the text with the calculated percentage (formatted with no decimal places)
      Customui:setText(obj.eventobjid, ratio[1], ratio[2], string.format("%.0f%%", percentage))
      -- Wait for 0.01 seconds before the next iteration
      -- If the width value exceeds the initial width, set it to the initial width
      if width_value > the_first_width_value then
          width_value = the_first_width_value
  	-- Repeat until the width value reaches the initial width
  	until width_value == the_first_width_value
-- Register the game function to be triggered when the UI is shown
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", game)


Variable Initialization

local loading_picture = nil
local ratio = nil
local the_first_width_value = nil
loading_picture = nil -- Replace with your picture IDs
ratio = nil -- Replace with your ratio IDs

These lines initialize some variables:

  • loading_picture: Holds identifiers for UI elements related to the loading picture.
  • ratio: Holds identifiers for UI elements related to displaying the percentage.
  • the_first_width_value: Stores the initial width value of the loading bar.

Game Function

function game(obj)
      	-- Set the size of the UI element
      Customui:setSize(obj.eventobjid, loading_picture[1], loading_picture[2], width_value, 86)
  • game(obj): A function that runs when a specific event (UI showing) occurs.
  • repeat: Starts a loop that will run until the specified condition is met.
  • Customui:setSize: Sets the size of the UI element (loading_picture). The parameters are:
  • obj.eventobjid: The ID of the object triggering the event.
  • loading_picture[1]: The first identifier for the loading picture.
  • loading_picture[2]: The second identifier for the loading picture.
  • width_value: The current width of the loading bar.
  • 86: A fixed height for the loading bar.
      	-- Increment the width value by a random number between 0 and 5
      width_value = width_value + math.random(6)
  • math.random(6): Generates a random number between 0 and 5 and adds it to width_value.
      	-- Calculate the percentage of the current width relative to the initial width
      local percentage = (width_value / the_first_width_value) * 100
      -- Set the text with the calculated percentage (formatted with no decimal places)
      Customui:setText(obj.eventobjid, ratio[1], ratio[2], string.format("%.0f%%", percentage))
  • Calculates the percentage that width_value represents of the_first_width_value.
  • Customui:setText: Sets the text of the UI element (ratio) to display the percentage.
  • obj.eventobjid: The ID of the object triggering the event.
  • ratio[1]: The first identifier for the ratio text.
  • ratio[2]: The second identifier for the ratio text.
      	-- Wait for 0.01 seconds before the next iteration
      -- If the width value exceeds the initial width, set it to the initial width
      if width_value > the_first_width_value then
          width_value = the_first_width_value
  -- Repeat until the width value reaches the initial width
  until width_value == the_first_width_value
  • Trigger:wait(0.01): Pauses the loop for 0.01 seconds.
  • Checks if width_value exceeds the_first_width_value and if so, resets width_value to the_first_width_value.
  • The until loop condition ensures the loop runs until width_value equals the_first_width_value.
  • Registering the Game Function
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", game)

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent(“UI.Show”, game): Registers the game function to be called when the UI.Show event occurs.


This script initializes variables and defines a function (game) that simulates a loading bar increasing over time by updating the width and percentage text of UI elements. The function runs in a loop, increasing the width incrementally until it reaches a specified initial width. The function is triggered by the UI.Show event.

developer_center/developer_editor/loading_ui.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/26 03:30 by don