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Game Class

Class For Game Interface

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How to Write Event





EventName Parameters Description
Game.Hour hours World hour time change
Game.RunTime second, ticks World Tick changes (Every 0.05 Seconds or Tick)

How to Write Gamerule

 GameRule.Name = Value


 GameRule.EndTime = 6 


Name Descriptionn
GameRule.CurTime Game time set in edit mode
GameRule.TimeLocked Whether to lock the time set in edit mode (0: not locked, 1: locked)
GameRule.Weather The weather set in edit mode (0: sunny and rainy, 1: sunny, 2: rainy, 3: thunderstorm)
GameRule.MaxPlayers Maximum number of players set in edit mode
GameRule.BlockDestroy Whether the block can be destroyed in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.BlockPlace Whether the block can be placed in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.BlockUse Whether the block can be used in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.GravityFactor Gravity multiplier set in edit mode (between 0.1 and 10)
GameRule.CameraDir The angle of view set in edit mode (0: main angle of view, 1: back angle of view, 2: front angle of view, 3: lock of main angle of view, 4: lock of back angle of view, 5: lock of front angle of view, 6: lock of top angle of view, 7: lock of custom angle of view, 8: back angle of view 2, 9: Lock back view angle 2)
GameRule.StartMode Game start mode for edit mode settings (0: Enabled by the homeowner, 1: Automatically enabled when the number of people reached, 2: Automatically enabled for unlimited conditions)
GameRule.StartPlayers The number of people required to start the game set in edit mode
GameRule.TeamNum Number of teams set in edit mode
GameRule.AttackPlayerMode Attack mode set in edit mode (0: Inter-team attack, 1: Prohibition of attacking players, 2: Free attack)
GameRule.EndTime Whether the game set in edit mode is time-limited (0: no time limit, 1-60: time limit 1-60 minutes)
GameRule.EndScore Whether to reach the score set in the edit mode to win (0: no, 1-999: reach 1-999 to win)
GameRule.ScoreKillPlayer Victory Player Score score for edit mode settings
GameRule.ScoreKillMob Defeat monster score set in edit mode
GameRule.ScoreCollectStar Edit mode settings get stars score points
GameRule.ReviveMode Re-challenge time set in edit mode (0: default, 1-320: automatic resurrection 1-320 seconds after death)
GameRule.ReviveInvulnerable Re-challenge protection time set in edit mode (between 1 and 99 seconds, 0 is the default 5 seconds)
GameRule.DisplayName Player name display mode for edit mode settings (0: Visible to everyone, 1: Visible only to your own team, 2: Visible only to the enemy team, 3: Invisible to all)
GameRule.WinLoseEndTime Victory determination at the end of the time set in edit mode (0: the team with the highest score wins, 1: all win at the end of time, 2: all lose at the end of time)
GameRule.SaveMode Edit mode setting whether to exit reset (0: No, 1: Yes)
GameRule.KillNotify Whether to open the battle prompt in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.BgMusicMode Game background music set in edit mode (-1: no music, 0: default, 1-8: bgm1-8)
GameRule.MobGen Whether to generate monsters set in edit mode (-1: Generate monsters is not checked when creating, 0: No, 1: Yes)
GameRule.SpawnPtMode Rally point rules set in edit mode (0: Randomly go to the team’s rally point, 1: Go to the nearest team’s rally point)
GameRule.MinimapTeams Map display options set in edit mode (0: Visible to different teams, 1: Not visible to different teams)
GameRule.PlayerDieDrops Whether the player in the edit mode setting will drop items after defeating (0: normal drop, 1: empty backpack, 2: reserved items, 3: drop box)
GameRule.DisplayScore Whether to display the score and time set by the edit mode (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.LifeNum Whether to limit the number of lives in the edit mode (0: no limit, 1-99: limit the number of lives to 1-99)
GameRule.ShowSight Whether to display the crosshair in the edit mode setting (0: no display, 1: display)
GameRule.ScoreColorChange Dye score score set in edit mode
GameRule.GPoisonSwitch Whether to open the polluted area in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.GPoisonSafeD0 The radius of the first safe zone set in edit mode (1 to 100 blocks)
GameRule.GPoisonSafeT0 The first safe time set in edit mode (1 to 600 seconds)
GameRule.AllowMidwayJoin Whether to allow to join the game in the middle of the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.LifeNumTeamShare Whether to enable the shared life of the team in the edit mode setting (0: No, 1: Yes)
GameRule.ViewMode Whether to open the failure spectator in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.ViewType The spectator type set in edit mode (0: free spectator, 1: follow the screen, 2: switchable)
GameRule.CountDown The game start countdown time set in edit mode (1 to 100 seconds)
GameRule.ScoreResetRound Whether to enable the round mode in the edit mode setting (0: no, 1: yes)
GameRule.ResetScore The score (1 to 100) set by edit mode to reach the score reset

Api List

Class:apiName(parameters) Return Description
Game:doGameEnd() code: number Game over
Game:dispatchEvent(msgid: string, params: table) code: number Dispatch custom events
Game:getDefString(id: string) code: number Get the default string
Game:setScriptVar(index: number, val) code: number Set script parameters for custom use
Game:getScriptVar(index: number) code: number, val Get script parameters, custom use
Game:sendScriptVars2Client() code: number Upload the set script parameters
Game:addRenderGlobalEffect(path: string) code: number Add global effect
Game:removeRenderGlobalEffect(path: string) code: number Remove the global effect
Game:setRenderGlobalEffectPos(effectid: string, x: number, y: number, z: number) code: number Set the global effect position
Game:setRenderGlobalEffectScale(effectid: string, scalex: number, scaley: number, scalez: number) code: number Set the global effect scaling
Game:msgBox(msg: string) code: number Show a message box
Game:splitStr(str: string, mark: string) code: number, strs: table Split the string
developer_center/developer_editor/script/game_event.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/29 02:33 by hhuxx