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Ice Spirit Essence

The life essence of the elemental guardian, Ice Spirit Guard, which spawns in the cold area of Miras. When transferred to a lifeless snowman, it grants them temporary signals of life.
Can also be used to repair Frozen Stick.




Ice Spirit Essence is an item obtained from Ice Spirit Guards. It's used to make snowmen sentient by tapping one with the essence. However, it will only be sentient for some time, and the essence will deactivate faster when the ambient temperature is high. Tapping the snowman again with a new Ice Spirit Essence will either replenish the time left or activate it again. Ice Spirit Essence is also used to repair Frozen Sticks.


Can be obtained by defeating Ice Spirit Guards.

survival_mode/sundry/ice_spirit_essence.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/09 20:20 by patred