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Basic Control Rules

Camera Movement

  • On mobile devices, you can control the camera by swiping the screen. Swipe in the desired direction to move the camera accordingly.
  • On computer devices, you can control the camera by moving your mouse. Simply move the mouse in the direction you want the camera to turn or pan.


To move your character, control the left joystick on mobile devices or use the W, A, S, and D keys on a computer keyboard.

Mobile Joystick Controls:

  • Up - Walk Forward
  • Down - Walk Backwards
  • Left - Strafe Left
  • Right - Strafe Right

Keyboard Controls:

  • W - Walk Forward
  • S - Walk Backwards
  • A - Strafe Left
  • D - Strafe Right

Computer Controls (for sprinting):

  • Double press and hold Forward button to sprint.
  • Hold Left Ctrl and [W] to run .

Mobile Controls (for sprinting):

  • Swipe the joystick forward beyond its circle to sprint.


You can collect blocks and other items around you in the game, which can be used for crafting, building, as weapons, or for other purposes.

  • On mobile, long press the block to break and collect the block.
  • On computers, press and hold Left Click to break and collect the block.


You can collect a variety of blocks, and you can use them to build anything you want.

  • Select the desired block from the shortcut bar.
  • Tap on the ground to place the selected block on mobile
  • right-click on the ground to place the selected block on computer.


To consume food in the game:

  • On mobile, either hold the Use button.
  • On a computer, hold the right-click button.

This action allows your character to consume the food item, providing nourishment or other benefits to restore health, stamina, or provide buffs during gameplay.


Melee Weapons:

  • Tap or left-click target to perform melee attacks.
  • Equipping melee weapons will increase your attack damage.

Ranged Weapons:

  • Tap or left-click to use ranged weapons for attacks.
  • Equipping ranged weapons will increase your attack damage.


You will encounter non-player characters (NPCs) who act as traders. These traders offer various goods and services that you can access. To interact with them:

  • On mobile devices, simply tap on the NPC.
  • On computers, right-click on the NPC.
survival_mode/gameplay/basic_control_rules.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/10 00:38 by patred