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A knight or a chef?

As long as you are chivalrous, no matter who you are, you are a true knight!

  • Birthday: September 17th
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Personality: Chivalry, integrity and honor
  • Occupation: Teen chef, Knight in magic armor
  • Hobby: Cooking

Lancelot was originally just your teenage boy, until he came across a family heirloom, an iron chestplate “Don Quixote”. When he slipped it on, he morphed into a big strong knight in shining armor! But when he takes it off, he goes back to being a normal kid.


For a knight… You're really good at cooking!

: “Really? Thank you. My father taught me how to cook, we're a family restaurant!”


Lancelot loves cooking.

The only occassion whereas Lancelot uses his magic, though he doesn't excel in his hobby. He did his best to help his father with the restaurant, ever since he was a little kid.

His father always said… “A delicious dish warms the stomach… and the soul, it gives the customers joy. Then they'll share that joy with us, so everyone will be happy. It's a win-win situation.

The family restaurant was doing… pretty decent.

His father would always use the best ingredients for his dishes, even discount the prices. Though there weren't it didn't have any significant changes to the customers… His father was content, because he was able to provide stable income for his son, Lancelot.

After he finally mastered the recipes of home-cooked dishes, under his father's guidance and teachings. Lancelot found his father lying in front of the furnace… His father fell ill, unable to conjure up a little magic.

Lancelot had to do everything, since it was only him and his father. He would manage the money, buy the ingredients, serve as a waiter, cooked the dishes.

It took awhile, but Lancelot finally adjusted to his busy life… Unfortunately that wasn't the end of it.

His father's medical bill came up. Lancelot paid them with all the money he got… But it was still not enough, his father remained in the hospital.

Son… I am sorry that I am causing you so much trouble.” Lying on the hospital bed, his father shedding tears. Lancelot clutches the hands of his father, holding him close, to reassure him.

: “It's alright, father. Just stay strong, you can leave it all to me.” His voice was breaking. Lancelot doesn't want to lose the only family member he had left.

Lancelot was overwhelmed, pestered by business offers. However, he didn't want to throw away his family restaurant to some fast food empire.

When another hospital bill came up. Lancelot would rummage his home, in search of anything he could sell to the pawn shop.

What caught his eye, glinting in the corner of the attic. Was an iron chestplate, covered in filth.

: “Hmm, looks pretty old… Therefore it must of value, eh?”

In the forest, nearby a lake. Upon scrubbing the stains off the iron chestplate, polishing it until Lancelot could see his silver reflection. He heard a mysterious voice…

Young man, you have been chosen to be the host of the legendary Don Quixote.

: “What?? WHAT!?”

Confused and afraid, Lancelot jumped. Falling onto the floor, with an audible thud on the grassy floors.

The chestplate jumped, as if it was alive. It slipped onto Lancelot, turning him into that of an ideal knight. Tall and muscular, covered in iron armor.

: “No, no, no! I'm just a kid… I can't be a knight!”

You are quite modest, for someone your age… You'll make a great knight!

: “Surely this has to be some sort of dream… Oh yeah! I just hit my head when walking down the stairs…”

Try it out yourself, kid.

Fortunately Lancelot was in a secluded area, to test this out without hurting anyone or attracting attention.

: “Woah, sweet. I can lift boulders with a finger, jump as high as the hills, and catch creatures with these reflexes.

Attaboy! With me, you'll be able to conquer your wildest dreams!

: “But I'm afraid this ability is rendered useless, considering this is the Time of Magic.”

Time of magic?

The street lights are no longer lit by matchsticks, floating carriages and flying broomsticks occupy the skies above us. Even in school, you need to learn magic. Without magic, you wouldn't be able to even find a job! Even Lancelot and his father use basic magic to cook for the family restaurant.

“Ah, how could this happen? Have witches surpassed knights?” “Don Quixote” howled and wailed, “Won't there be anyone to save the damsels- I mean… Protect the innocent?”

: “Well, for now… I just want to make money to pay my father's medical expenses.”

Lancelot was embarrassed, he recalled a common topic the customers were chatting. They say; The arrival of the void beasts was neigh, or something. With ”Don Quixote“, he could become a mercenary.

: “Sir Armor.”

It's Don Quixote!

: “Okay, Sir Don, there's a job called mercenary. Where we can choose various quests to fight monsters and help the residents…”

Well then, what are you waiting for? Let's go, young man, and let us become the greatest of knights!

: “Mercenary, Don Quixote.”

A mercenary only does it for the money… You, are doing it to pay for your father's medical expenses. In the code of chivalry, it is a great virtue to honor your parents. No matter how much you deny it, you are a knight. Even without the armor.

And thus forth, Lancelot began to live a double life. He gets up at sunrise, slips on “Don Quixote”, to take on quests as a ”knight“. During lunch and dinner, he returns to being your average teenager, helping out the family restaurant during rush hours.

: “So, this is how Sir Lancelot came to be… How, intriguing.

skins/lancelot.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/20 09:36 by alexeymini