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Assassin Li

An energetic assassin who always cheer herself up. She loves to knit for everything she owns.

  • Avatar: Unlock avatar
  • Leaves fuzzy ball footprints wherever you walk.


The dumb bird flies first, if courage can make up for its incompetence, I can definitely do this!

  • Birthday: May 26th
  • Zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Personality: Assassin An fangirl, takes her job seriously, superficial
  • Occupation: Zhenfusi Assassin, Deputy Captain
  • Affiliation: West, Boundless Guards
  • Hobbies: Knitting sweaters, drinking coffee, investigating cases
  • Voice actor: Tang Cu Liji
  • Family:
  • Colleagues: Liang, Lie
  • Subordinates: Jilu, Tuiqiao
  • Secret Admirer: Yuer

A bronze medal assassin undergoing a silver medal examination. Despite being a life-long assassin, she lacks self-confidence. Panics about every little thing, wanting everything to be the very best. As the first and only female assassin, she was an outcast. Her closest friend is herself, able to get a laugh out of herself. Li's hobby is knitting, she enjoys specifically knitting sweaters. “Knit a protective sweater for everything I have!


Arriving home, in the middle of the night, Grandpa Lin heard a baby's cry. Lying at the entrance of the home of the elderly, was a weeping newborn baby. He picked her up, cradled her in his arms, she began to hush. He set aside her tangerine locks, her beautiful brown eyes full of energy and wonder. He named her Li, which means “capability”.

As the first and only female student, Li received what her classmates deemed as “special treatment”. Adjusting training to her physical capabilities, praising her for every little thing. All signs of favoritism, out of envy and annoyance, she was an outcast to her classmates.

At the age of five, Li heard the word “parents”, for the very first time. Out of curiousity, she asked Grandpa Lin about her parents, he clears his throat.

: “Li, how do I tell you this… Your family was taken by the people of the south. Thus the reason why we are training you to be smarter, to be stronger… To ensure the safety of the west, and all those people who reside within. Your family may have not been strong enough to fight back, however they were strong enough to keep you safe.

Li strived hard, she trained herself to the limits, determined to avenge her parents!… However her efforts went in vain, when her talents were deemed average. Grandpa Lin became hesitant out of guilt, knowing he is deceiving his own granddaughter. Li felt never felt good enough, she wanted to cry.

: “Sometimes I even wonder… Why should I even try?

A new student arrived, his name was An, a street child. Li envied his early experience with fighting, wanting to fend off for herself as well someday…

: “Hey, brother An! An! An!”

Nobody likes Li, so she would be pestering An. One day, Li pushed An to his limit, causing him to blurt out the truth.

: “No wonder your parents left you.”

: “That's so mean, what gave you the idea that my parents left me?”

: “Everyone knows you were abandoned. Why else would they avoid you? Like I like do!”

An fully convinced Li that she was a burden. She was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast of the school. It felt like the only two people who met her, hated her the most. Her heart full of pain, her eyes heavy with tears. she started to cry, she started to panic as everyone stares at her ugly crying. Grandpa Lin witnessed the scene, he assumed An was bullying Li, so he beat him with a slipper.

At that moment, she finally understood why Grandpa Lin lied to her, after all those years. It's hard to tell someone they were abandoned as a baby, it would give them the idea that they were unloved by their own family… The truth hurts.

However, now that she thought of it… Grandpa Lin was her only family. He raised her ever since she was a baby, he ensured she was able to pass the training, and most importantly… He always reminded her that she was always loved. And so, Li pushed herself near her limits, every restless day and night. Because she still has Grandpa Lin, to protect and fight…

An, on the other hand, was embarassed, humiliated and traumatized from being publicly beaten with a slipper… So An would treat Li in a more… friendlier manner. In return, Li praises An and sees him as a role model, while An gets a fan and an ego.


  • Despite covering half her face with a mask, she likes to wear makeup. Carrying around a makeup box.
  • She never shows her entire face to the public, because she goes on undercover missions.
skins/assassin_li.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 04:28 by alexeymini