Table of Contents
How to use
- x number: The x coordinate where the creature will be spawned.
- y number: The y coordinate where the creature will be spawned.
- z number: The z coordinate where the creature will be spawned.
- creatureid number: The ID of the creature that will be spawned.
- quantity number: The number of creatures to be spawned.
And returns:
- ErrorCode.Ok number: 0 if execution was succesful and 1001 if the execution failed.
- Objids table: The IDs of the generated creatures.
Use example
When the player clicks the beehive block. 3 bees will be spawned and they will become the pets of the person who clicked.
local beehiveId = 134 local beeId = 3418 ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Player.ClickBlock]=], function(e) local playerid = e['eventobjid'] local blockid = e['blockid'] local x,y,z = e['x'], e['y'], e['z'] local _, playernick = Player:getNickname(playerid) if blockid == beehiveId then local _, objids = World:spawnCreature(x,y,z, beeId, 3) for i, curObjid in ipairs(objids) do Actor:setnickname(curObjid, playernick .. "'s bee") Actor:shownickname(curObjid, true) end end end)
script/world_event/spawncreature.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/29 06:41 by hhuxx