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  • Parameters & Types:
    • playerid: number player ID
    • uiid: string the UIID of the custom UI
    • elementid: the UIID of the string element
    • size: number font size
  • Return value and type:
    • ErrorCode. OK
  • The main purpose of this method is to set the font size of the text symbol
  • Specific use cases are as follows:
--This function is executed when the player clicks on the block
local function clickblock(event)
    local playerid=event.eventobjid--Click on the player's mini number of the block
    local uiid="6986982063319417057"--Interface ID
    local elementid="6986982063319417057_1"--Text element id
    local size=50-- The font size of the text symbol to set
    --Sets the font size of the player's text symbols
    Customui:setFontSize(playerid, uiid, elementid, size)
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Player.ClickBlock]=], clickblock)
script/ui_event/setfontsize.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/11 02:26 by don