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How to teleport players properly

A short tutorial

Let's say that you want in your game to teleport ALL players using scripts this may seem hard for newcomers, but in reality is quite easy, for this we will use a numeric for 1)

first we start by creating a function that will be the one that teleports all players, it should look like this

function TeleportAllPlayers()


We then add to the inside of the function the World:getAllPlayers() method, it takes one parameter:

  • -1 (default, means all players)
  • 0 (means all players that are alive)
  • 1 (means all players that are dead)

and returns:

  • The number of players
  • The array (list) of all players

our code should look like this:

function TeleportAllPlayers()

	local result,num,array=World:getAllPlayers(-1)

we then add a for loop inside the function that takes i=1 and the length of the table

code should look like this

function TeleportAllPlayers()

	local result,num,array=World:getAllPlayers(-1)

	for i=1, #playerArray do 

if you don't know what the # symbol is, it indicates the length of that table of that string, i also explain this in depth in How to get trigger variables in scripts

After that we then use the Player:setPosition() method, which takes the objid and the x,y and z We know the objid is the id of the player that we want to teleport, so we can use playerArray[i] to get the current player, and using that we will teleport all players, we also modify our function so it takes the x,y and z

code should look like this:

function TeleportAllPlayers(x,y,z)

	local result,num,array=World:getAllPlayers(-1)

	for i=1, #playerArray do 

And with that we have a function that when called, it teleports all players to the x,y and z we gave it

developer_center/developer_editor/script/teleportallplayer.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/11 14:44 by notsopro