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Rouding a string

Finished product

UI Design



local name_of_element = nil --- they're a string like : "Coins"
local text_element = nil
local uiid = nil
local trigger_variable = nil --- they're a string
--- <The script was written by Don (UID: 209525865). please edit selectively, most parts are better left unedited.>
function round(e) 
    while true do
        local result, new_coins_result = VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName(e.eventobjid, 3, trigger_variable )
        if new_coins_result >= 1000 and new_coins_result < 1000000 then 
            new_re = string.format("%.1f", new_coins_result / 1000) .. "K"
        elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000 then 
            new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000) .. "M"
        elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000 then
            new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000) .. "B"
        elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000000 then
            new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000000) .. "T"
	---- Continue for "Qa" and "Q"
            new_re = tostring(new_coins_result)
        Customui:setText(e.eventobjid, uiid, text_element, name_of_element .. new_re)
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", round)


Variable Initialization:

local name_of_element = nil --- they're a string
local text_element = nil
local uiid = nil
local trigger_variable = nil --- they're a string

Getting the variable from variable library:

local result, new_coins_result = VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName(e.eventobjid, 3, trigger_variable )
  • VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName is used to retrieve a player's variable from variable library.

Convert it into a new string following the International System of Units (SI)

if new_coins_result >= 1000 and new_coins_result < 1000000 then 
    new_re = string.format("%.1f", new_coins_result / 1000) .. "K"
elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000 then 
    new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000) .. "M"
elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000 then
    new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000) .. "B"
elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000000 then
    new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000000) .. "T"
    new_re = tostring(new_coins_result)
  • This section formats the new_coins_result value based on its magnitude. Depending on the range in which new_coins_result falls, it formats the number with appropriate suffixes like “K” (thousands), “M” (millions), “B” (billions), “T” (trillions), etc.

Updating UI

Customui:setText(e.eventobjid, uiid, text_element, name_of_element .. new_re)

Customui:setText updates the text in the UI, combining name_of_element with the formatted new_re.

Event Registration:

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", round)

The round function is registered as a handler for the “UI.Show” (you can use “Game.AnyPlayer.EnterGame) event, meaning it will be called whenever the “UI.Show” event is triggered.

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developer_center/developer_editor/script/rounding_a_string.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 10:15 by don