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Mini API Custom event creation

In mini world, we already have a series of pre-defined events, but what if we want another level of complexity, another level of depth to our scripts? There is a way to create custom events and Listen to them, that can add a greater level of complexity to our scripts that can't be achieve without the use of custom events, it also can make our lives really easier because if there wasn't any way to handle these events, we would have to divide our script with extensive and overcomplicated logics, but if we create custom events, we can no longer worry about this, as we can just listen for events in other scripts and handle them there, making the code simpler to read, modularing the code, which is most of the time a good practice, this is especially useful if you are scripting with other persons, as it's no longer required to have all your variables, and all your functions in one script this makes scripting with others, a whole lot easier

How to create the custom events

To create these custom events, there is a method, the Game:dispatchEvent(msg: string, customdata: any ), in this method:

  • msg means the name of the custom event we would like to create
  • customdata is the data that we will pass along with the custom event, those are the args that the function that is executed when the event happens it will receive the data we passed important: we must pass the data encoded in json1)

Use example (without passing data)

Let's say that we want to create a custom event, but we dont want to pass any data, we take the dispatchEvent method, we replace msg, for the name of our custom event, for this example, i will call my event “myEvent”, but you can call it whatever you want, we create a function that will get called whenever our event happens and then we add the listener function, the code should look like this.

function myEventFunction() 

    Chat:sendSystemMsg("My event was triggered!", 0)

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("myEvent", myEventFunction)

And in another script, we will create this event, we will do it so this event gets called when 5 seconds have passed since game started, for this we create a function in this same script

our code should look like this

function GameStart()

Game:dispatchEvent("myEvent", {})


ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Game.Start]=], GameStart)

function myEventFunction() 

    Chat:sendSystemMsg("My event was triggered!", 0)

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("myEvent", myEventFunction)

Use example (passing data)

Now, let's say that you want to create a custom event, but you want to pass variables, for this we will create two scripts, the first one will be the sender and the second one will be the receiver script

Sender scripts

In the sender script, we first create a function and after that, we add the listener function in the Game.Start event, the data that we want to send we will store it in a table, like this

example: local data = {Sent = “Yes”, myData = 123456789}

Our code should look like this

function GameStart() 

    local data = {Sent = "Yes", Uid = 123456789}

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Game.Start]=], GameStart)

After this, we use a PCALL, the function that we are going to call is called JSON.encode, and we also pass this: JSON, ourDataTable

Code should look like this:

function GameStart() 

    local data = {Sent = "Yes", Uid = 123456789}
    local sucess, result = pcall(JSON.encode, JSON, data)

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Game.Start]=], GameStart)

We then handle for errors, because errors are uncommon, but they can happen, and we want our script to print whenever an error happens 2)

so we add an if statement that if not sucess, we print there was an error and the error status and we leave the else statement empty to use it after this

Code should look like this:

function GameStart() 

    print("CustomEvent Test")
    local data = {Sent = "Yes", Uid = 123456789}
    local sucess, result = pcall(JSON.encode, JSON, data)
    if not sucess then
        print("There was an error.")


ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Game.Start]=], GameStart)

After that, we add to the else, we add the method we discussed before, to the first argument, we put the name, and the first argument we do this {customdata = result}

This is how it looks if you didn't understand

Game:dispatchEvent(“myEvent”, {customdata = result})

Code should look like this:

function GameStart() 

    print("CustomEvent Test")
    local data = {Sent = "Yes", Uid = 123456789}
    local sucess, result = pcall(JSON.encode, JSON, data)
    if not sucess then
        print("There was an error.")
        print("Encoded without errors.")
        local ret = Game:dispatchEvent("myEvent", {customdata = result})


ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Game.Start]=], GameStart)

Now, let's go to the receiver script

Receiver script

In this script its a lot simpler, as we just need to make a funtion that takes params and put it in our listener function with the name of our function

code should look like this:

function myEventFunction(params) 

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("myEvent", myEventFunction)

Now, if we want to retrieve a variable, we can retrieve it this way.


So, for example, if i want to get the “Sent” variable, i can do this


Code example:

function myEventFunction(params) 

    Chat:sendSystemMsg("My event was triggered!", 0)
    Chat:sendSystemMsg("Is NotSoPr17  Cool: ".. params.CurEventParam.CloudValue.Sent,0)

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("myEvent", myEventFunction)

And just like that we can retrieve the values!!

wikipedia json page: JSON
developer_center/developer_editor/script/miniapi_customevents.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/14 19:49 by notsopro