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Lua conditionals

Conditionals in Lua allow your script to make decisions based on whether certain conditions are true or false. These conditions are typically expressions that evaluate to a boolean value (true or false). Lua supports several types of conditional statements, like if, if-else, if-elseif-else

If statement

The if statement is the simplest form of conditional statement in Lua. It executes a block of code only if the specified condition evaluates to true.


local userplaysminiworld = true

if userplaysminiworld == true then
    print("The user plays mini world!")

Else statement

The else statement is used in conjunction with the if statement to execute a block of code when the condition evaluates to false.

local exp = 25

if exp > 30 then
    print("You have leveled up")
    print("You are close to leveling up ")

Elseif statement

The elseif statement allows you to check multiple conditions sequentially after the initial if condition. It provides an alternative condition to check if the initial condition evaluates to false.

local score = 85

if score >= 90 then
    print("You got an A!")
elseif score >= 80 then
    print("You got a B!")
elseif score >= 70 then
    print("You got a C!")
    print("Better luck next time!")

Relational operators

They are used to compare values and determine the relationship between them. Here are the relational operators in Lua:

  1. <: Less than
  2. >: Greater than
  3. <‎=: Less than or equal to
  4. >=: Greater than or equal to
  5. ==: Equal to
  6. ~=: Not equal to


local x = 10
local y = 20

if x < y then
    print("x is less than y.")

if x == 10 then
    print("x is equal to 10.")

Logical operators

There exist three logical operators and,or,not they work this way:

  • and: Returns true if all of the current comparations are true, otherwise returns false.
  • or: Returns true if at least one of the current comparatios are true, otherwise returns false.
  • not: Reverses the logical state of the current comparation.


local x = 10
local y = 20

if x > 0 and y > 0 then
    print("Both x and y are positive.")
elseif x > 0 or y > 0 then
    print("At least one of x and y is positive.")
    print("Neither x nor y is positive.")

local isRaining = true

if not isRaining then
    print("It's not raining.")
    print("It's raining.")

developer_center/developer_editor/script/lua_conditionals.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/23 19:24 by notsopro