Class:apiName | Return | Description |
Player:getAttr(objid: number, attrtype: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Player attribute acquisition |
Player:setAttr(objid: number, attrtype: number, val: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Player attribute setting |
Player:getHostUin() | ErrorCode.OK, uin: number | Get the owner uin |
Player:isMainPlayer(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, isMainPlayer: bool | Check if the player is the local player |
Player:getMainPlayerUin() | ErrorCode.OK, uin: number | Get the uin of the local player |
Player:getGameResults(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the player's game result |
Player:setGameResults(objid: number, result: any) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's game result |
Player:getGameScore(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the player's game score |
Player:setGameScore(objid: number, score: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's game score |
Player:getGameRanking(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, rank: number | Get the player's ranking |
Player:setGameRanking(objid: number, rank: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's ranking |
Player:gainItems(objid: number, itemid: number, num: number, prioritytype: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Add props to the player |
Player:teleportHome(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Teleport to the birth point |
Player:getCurToolID(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, ret: numbers | Get the item id currently held by the player |
Player:getNickname(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, name: string | Get the player's nickname |
Player:removeBackpackItem(objid: number, itemid: number, num: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Remove the items in the backpack |
Player:getDieTimes(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the number of player deaths |
Player:getLeftLifeNum(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the number of lives left by the player |
Player:setTeam(objid: number, teamid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's team |
Player:getTeam(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the player's team |
Player:getFoodLevel(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the player's current satiety |
Player:setFoodLevel(objid: number, foodLevel: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's satiety |
Player:getCurShotcut(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, scutIdx: number | Get the index of the currently used shortcut bar key |
Player:onCurToolUsed(objid: number, num: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the consumption of props held by the current player |
Player:setSkillCD(objid: number, itemid: number, cd: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the cooldown for a skill |
Player:reviveToPos(objid: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Revive the player to the specified point |
Player:setRevivePoint(objid: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Change the position of the player's resurrection point |
Player:mountActor(playerid: number, objid: number, posindex: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player rides on the mount |
Player:playAct(objid: number, actid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player plays the animation |
Player:notifyGameInfo2Self(objid: number, info: string) | ErrorCode.OK | Display the bay window text to the player |
Player:useItem(objid: number, itemid: number, status: number, onshift: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | Enable the player to use the current props |
Player:rotateCamera(objid: number, yaw: number, pitch: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Rotate the player's camera |
Player:changeViewMode(objid: number, viewmode: VIEWPORTTYPEnumber, islock: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | Change the player's perspective mode |
Player:setActionAttrState(objid: number, actionattr: PLAYERATTR_ENABLEnumber, switch: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's behavior attribute status |
Player:checkActionAttrState(objid: number, actionattr: PLAYERATTR_ENABLEnumber) | ErrorCode.OK | Get the status of the player's special attributes |
Player:isEquipByResID(objid: number, resid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Check if the player is equipped with a piece of equipment |
Player:setPosition(objid: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's position |
Player:getAimPos(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, aimPos: table{x, y, z} | Get the position of the player's crosshair |
Player:setItemAttAction(objid: number, itemid: number, attrtype: PLAYERATTR_ITEMnumber, switch: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's props attributes: discard, drop |
Player:playMusic(objid: number, musicId: number, volume: number, pitch: number, isLoop: bool) | ErrorCode.OK | Play background music to the player |
Player:stopMusic(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Stop playing the player's background music |
Player:setGameWin(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Make the player win the game |
Player:openDevStore(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the developer store |
Player:getPropsType(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK, value: number | Get the type of props held by the player |
Player:setCheckBoxScale(objid: number, range: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the radius of the detection of falling objects |
Player:openBoxByPos(objid: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the operable box at the specified position |
Player:forceOpenBoxUI(objid: number, itemid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Forcibly open operable blocks such as toolboxes |
Player:openDevGoodsBuyDialog(objid: number, devGoodsId: number, customDesc: string) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the pop-up window of the developer store product |
Player:changePlayerMoveType(objid: number, moveType: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Change the way the player moves |
Player:setImmuneType(objid: number, immunetype: number, isadd: bool) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player immune damage type |
Player:shakeCamera(objid: number, duration: number, power: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Shake the player camera |
Player:stopShakeCamera(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Stop shaking the player camera |
Player:playQQMusic(objid: number, musicId: number, volume: number, isLoop: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | The player plays QQ music |
Player:operateQQMusic(operate: number, objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Pause/resume/stop the player's QQ music |
Player:OpenAppraiseView(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the evaluation interface (can only be triggered after playing the game for more than 3 minutes. Ten-minute CD after the trigger) |
Player:OpenCollectionView(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the collection interface (can only be triggered after playing the game for more than 3 minutes. Ten-minute CD after the trigger) |
Player:IsMiniVip(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Determine whether it is a mini member |
Player:SendFriendApply(playerid: number, playerid2: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Send a friend request |
Player:HasFriend(playerid: number, playerid2: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Determine whether playerid has friends playerid2 |
Player:PlayActInHand(playerid: number, animid: number, playmode: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player holds the miniature props to play the animation |
Player:openDevStoreNew(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player opens the developer store (only available to developers) |
Player:OpenBuiltinRank(objid: number, id: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the built-in leaderboard |
Player:HideBuiltinRank(objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Hide the built-in leaderboard |
Player:openDevGoodsBuyDetailedDialog(objid: number, devGoodsId: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Open the product details page of the developer store |
Player:setMobileVibrate(playerid: number, time: number, amplitude: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player's mobile phone vibrates |
Player:SetCameraPosTransformBy(playerid: number, vec: table, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player's camera changes relative position |
Player:SetCameraPosTransformTo(playerid: number, vec: table, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player camera changes to the position |
Player:SetCameraRotTransformBy(playerid: number, vec: table, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The relative angle of the player's camera rotation |
Player:SetCameraRotTransformTo(playerid: number, vec: table, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player camera is rotated to the angle |
Player:SetCameraFovTransformBy(playerid: number, value: number, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The relative value of the Fov transformation of the player camera |
Player:SetCameraFovTransformTo(playerid: number, value: number, animid: number, time: number) | ErrorCode.OK | The player camera Fov is transformed to the value |
Player:SetCameraAttrState(playerid: number, attr: number, enable: boolean) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's camera settings switch |
Player:SetCameraRotMode(playerid: number, attr: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's camera rotation mode |
Player:SetCameraMountObj(playerid: number, objid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's camera to mount to the object |
Player:SetCameraMountPos(playerid: number, pos: table) | ErrorCode.OK | Set the player's camera to mount to the position |
Player:ResetCameraAttr(playerid: number) | ErrorCode.OK | Reset the player camera |