Molten Giant
Molten Giant
![Molten Giant Molten Giant](/_media/survival_mode:creatures:molten_giant.jpeg?cache=&w=70&h=70&tok=449494)
- Title:
- Molten Giant
- Date:
- 2023/03/28 09:22
- Filename:
- molten_giant.jpeg
- Caption:
- Molten Giants are powerful entities that reside among the torrid atmosphere of the Flamas dimension, They are hostile against players and have a slow pace. They Have the highest attack among any other Hostile creature in mini world and were introduces to the game during mini-world's official release.
- Format:
- Size:
- 8KB
- Width:
- 70
- Height:
- 70
- Keywords:
- Mobs
- References for:
- Flamas Monster
- Monster
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