Boom Egg
Boom Egg
![Boom Egg Boom Egg](/_media/survival_mode:creatures:boom_egg.jpeg?cache=&w=70&h=70&tok=fe87f6)
- Title:
- Boom Egg
- Date:
- 2023/03/28 06:45
- Filename:
- boom_egg.jpeg
- Caption:
- The Boom Egg is a monster that appears only on Flamas. Upon nearby contact with a player, it will explode after a few seconds, making small fire balls and causing fires around its explosion radius. It's presence can be noted around the players due to it's unique sound that they create on occasions.
- Format:
- Size:
- 8KB
- Width:
- 70
- Height:
- 70
- References for:
- Duck! Mini Monsters
- Flamas Monster
- Miras Monster
- Monster
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