Backpack Class
API list
Class:apiName(Parameters) | Return | Description | Notes |
Backpack:getBackpackBarIDRange(bartype:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ begid:number, endid:number | Obtain the ID range of the prop inventory column (start ID ~ end ID) | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:getBackpackBarSize(bartype:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ size:number | Obtain the size of the prop backpack column | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:setGridItem(playerid:number, gridid:number, itemid:number, num:number, durability:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Set the backpack grid props | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:removeGridItem(playerid:number, gridid:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Remove a certain number of props in the backpack grid, remove all by default | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:removeGridItemByItemID(playerid:number, itemid:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number | Remove a certain number of props in the backpack, remove all by default | |
Backpack:clearPack(playerid:number, bartype:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Clear the specified backpack column | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:clearAllPack(playerid:number) | Clear all backpacks (including backpack bar, shortcut bar, armor bar) | ||
Backpack:moveGridItem(playerid:number, gridsrc:number, griddst:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Move backpack props, all transfer by default | Parameter(gridsrc & griddst): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:swapGridItem(playerid:number, gridsrc:number, griddst:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Exchange backpack props | Parameter(gridsrc & griddst): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:enoughSpaceForItem(playerid:number, itemid:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Whether the backpack has enough space to store a certain number of props | |
Backpack:calcSpaceNumForItem(playerid:number, itemid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number | Calculate the remaining total number of props that can be stored in the backpack | |
Backpack:getBackpackBarValidList(playerid:number, bartype:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number, array:table | Obtain the list of effective grid IDs in the inventory column of the props and the array of IDs of the backpack grids | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:getBackpackBarItemList(playerid:number, bartype:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number, arr:table | Get the props that the props backpack column already has and the props ID array | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:hasItemByBackpackBar(playerid:number, bartype:number, itemid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Detect whether the backpack holds a certain item | |
Backpack:getItemNumByBackpackBar(playerid:number, bartype:number, itemid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number, arr:table | Get the total number of items held in the backpack and return the array of backpack grids containing the items | Parameter(bartype): 1:Shortcut bar; 2:Storage bar; 3:Armor bar |
Backpack:getGridItemID(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ itemid:number, num:number | Get the item ID of the backpack grid | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:getGridItemName(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ name:string | Get the name of the backpack grid prop | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:getGridStack(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number, maxstack:number | Obtain the stacking number of backpack grid props | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:getGridDurability(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ durcur:number, durmax:number | Get the durability of the backpack grid props | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:getGridEnchantList(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ num:number, arr:table | Get the enchantment of the backpack grid props | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:getGridToolType(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ type:number | Get the tool type of backpack props (<0 means non-tool) | Parameter(gridid): Switch To Datatype List |
Backpack:addItem(playerid:number, itemid:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ successNum:number | Add props to the backpack | |
Backpack:discardItem(playerid:number, gridid:number, num:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Discard the props in a certain grid of the backpack | |
Backpack:getGridNum(playerid:number, gridid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Get the number of props in a certain grid of the backpack | |
Backpack:actEquipUpByResID(objid:number, resid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | The player puts on the equipment | |
Backpack:actEquipOffByEquipID(objid:number, equipid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | The player takes off the equipment in the equipment bar | |
Backpack:actCreateEquip(objid:number, resid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | To create equipment | |
Backpack:actDestructEquip(objid:number, equipid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Destroy equipment | |
Backpack:PlayShortCutIxEffect(objid:number, effectid:number, scale:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Set the playback effect on the handheld bar props | |
Backpack:StopShortCutIxEffect(objid:number, effectid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Stop playing special effects on the handheld bar props | |
Backpack:PlayShortCutItemEffect(objid:number, itemid:number, effectid:number, scale:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Set the shortcut bar to play special effects on the specified props | |
Backpack:StopShortCutItemEffect(objid:number, itemid:number, effectid:number) | ErrorCode.OK _ | Stop playing special effects on the specified props in the shortcut bar |
developer_center/developer_editor/script/backpack_event.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/14 06:21 by highbrave