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Miniature Combination Device

Miniature Combination Device


Enter the Miniature Combination mode after use. Select a zone, batch miniaturize or combine blocks in the area. The generated combination can hold lots of miniature blocks.

Function Introduction

Function 1: You can select a very large range and make many miniature blocks in batches for the production of fine models. The maximum selection range is 100 * 100 * 100.
Function 2: Multiple miniature blocks can be combined into one miniature block. Only miniature blocks can be selected, not ordinary blocks. Maximum selection range 4 *4 *4

Interface functions

1. Block miniature mode:

① Block miniature mode
② Miniature combination mode
③ Currently selected mode
④ Starting point position (cursor position)
⑤ Drag bar (cursor distance adjustment), PC can be adjusted with mouse wheel

2. After selecting the range from the starting point to the end point, the miniature generation interface will pop up.

① X-axis adjustment: The relative position of the miniature blocks on the X-axis can be adjusted
② Y-axis adjustment: The relative position of the miniature blocks on the Y-axis can be adjusted
③ Z-axis adjustment: The relative position of the miniature blocks on the Z-axis can be adjusted
④ Rotation: Take the center of the combination as the dot and rotate horizontally around the dot.
⑤ Whether to display the miniature wireframe
⑥ Overall enlargement
⑦ Overall reduction
⑧ Reference object: Indicates the orientation angle status of the block
⑨ Generate: Click to customize the name description, and generate the block after confirmation
(10) Close the page: Close the block directly without saving it

3. Miniature combination mode

The interface and operation are the same as the block miniature mode. Please note: in the miniature combination mode, only miniature blocks can be selected, otherwise they will not be generated.

Steps to use : Miniature block mode

1. Take out the miniature combination device and put it in the shortcut bar
2. First build the miniature model you want (use the long white arrow as an example here)
3. Hold the miniature combination device and select the box range
4. After adjusting the data, click Generate
5. Customize the name and description and click OK
6. Generate an arrow model (the model will also be generated in the resource center in the upper right corner)

Note: Different from general miniature blocks and models, this model can determine how many blocks it occupies based on the actual size of the prototype (the example in the picture occupies the space of two blocks)

Steps to use : Miniature combination mode

1. Take out the miniature combination device and put it in the shortcut bar
2. Select any miniature block and place it on the ground (example: for the white arrow made above, place 6 arrows to form a miniature model)
3. Hold the miniature combination device, select the miniature combination mode, and select the 6 arrows in the frame
4. Adjust various parameters and click Generate
5. After customizing the name and description, click OK
6. Generate model