Table of Contents

Basic Control Rules

Camera Movement


To move your character, control the left joystick on mobile devices or use the W, A, S, and D keys on a computer keyboard.

Mobile Joystick Controls:

Keyboard Controls:

Computer Controls (for sprinting):

Mobile Controls (for sprinting):


You can collect blocks and other items around you in the game, which can be used for crafting, building, as weapons, or for other purposes.


You can collect a variety of blocks, and you can use them to build anything you want.


To consume food in the game:

This action allows your character to consume the food item, providing nourishment or other benefits to restore health, stamina, or provide buffs during gameplay.


Melee Weapons:

Ranged Weapons:


You will encounter non-player characters (NPCs) who act as traders. These traders offer various goods and services that you can access. To interact with them: