Table of Contents


A fully dressed snowman.


Snowmen are creatures that have to be made by the player. Snowmen are formed by pushing a snowball against another snowball of any size by using Polymer Gloves. The resulting snowman will neither have any decorations nor be sentient, as the player needs to dress up the snowman and activate it themself.

How to dress the snowman

To dress up the snowman, the player needs to tap the snowman with a compatible material. This process doesn't have a particular order, so players can dress it up as they like, and they can even leave some dress materials unplaced. Snowman decorations are permanent and can't be removed unless the snowman is defeated. If the snowman is defeated, any dress materials that were applied to the snowman before dying will be dropped.

List of applicable dress materials
Items Dress description Image
Withered Shrub (2) Arms (right arm appears first, left appears second)
Pinecone (2) Eyes (left eye appears first, right appears second)
Any Twigs (1) Nose
Cotton (1) Scarf
Any Leaves (1) Overgrown leaf decoration

How to activate the snowman

To activate the snowman, the player needs to tap the snowman with Ice Spirit Essence on their hand. After activation, the snowman will be able to follow its owner and be sentient. This sentient state only lasts for a while though, and it will end faster if the ambient temperature is high. A sound will be produced and the essence shards will turn red when all of the energy has been depleted. The essence energy can be replenished by tapping the snowman again with Ice Spirit Essence.

Other mechanics


Special Behavior