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The most anticipated child prodigy became enlightened when he was about to land his dream job and embarked on the journey as a wandering barefoot scholar. After helping the disciples of Stargate by chance, he was able to enter the Fairyland and started the journey of “Peach Blossom Spring”.

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A big fish flew into Tinghuai's arms. After he handled it skillfully, he grilled it on the fire. After a while, the aroma of the grilled fish spread over the entire beach.

The girl in the cave lay helplessly on the inside of the protective shield.

Dragonsky: Are you okay? My stomach is growling again.

Tinghuai: Soon, soon~

With his fingers flying, Tinghuai sprinkled delicious seasonings on the grilled fish.

You must know that the articles written by these hands holding the brush a month ago were refreshing to everyone.

He, Tinghuai, was a high-spirited new scholar, and the matchmaker almost broke the threshold of his family.

But he invited away all the guests who were pursuing fame and fortune.

Everyone said that he was ignorant, but only he knew that he never studied for worldly fame.

Tinghuai: Fame and fame are all external things. With so much noise at home, how can I calm down and study…

On moonlit nights when no one is around, he likes to walk and read in the clear woods to avoid his mother's nagging urging him to prepare for the Juren Examination.

Seeing an old man staggering about to fall into the river as if he was drunk, he fished the old man back to the shore.

The old man who had choked on a lot of water came to his senses and realized that the young man in front of him had saved his life.

mysterious old man: To repay the favor of saving my life! You must make a wish! Gold and silver, glory and wealth, traveling around the world… I can achieve it!

Tinghuai: As long as I can go to a place where I can study in peace and no one will care about me.

mysterious old man: This is simple, I will send you to the Peach Blossom Spring, where you will not be restricted by any power.

After a burst of white light, Yan Tinghuai felt a chill on his face. When he opened his eyes again, a silver-haired girl looked at him with two bright eyes.

He stood up and looked around, but there was no one in the moist and warm cave. When he walked out of the cave, he was hit by the sea breeze. As far as he could see, the sky and the earth were vast and unobstructed, which was refreshing.

Tinghuai: The old man really wasn't lying, this world was really like a paradise.

While thinking about where to set up a desk, Yan Tinghuai's thoughts were interrupted by the silver-haired girl…

Dragonsky: Well, are you here to make delicious food for me?

Tinghuai: Ha?

Dragonsky: Seeing as you can pass through the barrier freely, you must be a mortal who came through the star gate. You can call me Kongkong, and if you prepare delicious food for me, I will protect you at night! There are many monsters in this sea area at night~~~

Tinghuai: It sounds threatening, but what's with this expectation… It's lonely to be alone here, right?

Dragonsky: Well…most of the time, yes. Sometimes when I'm bored, I let Snowflake accompany me.

I saw the girl waving her hand, and crystal snowflakes condensed on the sea.

Tinghuai: The jade flowers fly in the middle of the night, and the green waves dance next year.

Dragonsky: What a beautiful sentence. Did you write this?

Tinghuai: How do you like it? I have many more~

Seeing Kong Kong's interest, Tinghuai hurriedly pulled out the poetry collection he had brought with him from the book basket.

The waves brought darkness to the night, and the voices of the two people reciting poems and talking in the wind gradually faded away…

Arell: Wow, a prodigy scholar turned into a chef just like that? !

Dragonsky: He is a cook who can recite poetry!

Tinghuai: …Are you polite?