Table of Contents


I. Design UI

You can change items

II. Diagram

III. Script

local display_number = {1, 2, 3, 4}
local items = {12499, 11600, 11667, 11668} -- fill your items here
local pictures = {"1012499", "1011600", "1011667", '1011668'} -- fill your pictures following the items here here
function spin(e)
  		if e.uielement == '7369828431314806377_12' then --- change your button
      		local repeat_time = 0 
      		local random_number
     	 		local items_spin
      		local picture_spin
          				random_number = display_number[math.random(#display_number)]
          				items_spin = items[random_number]
          				picture_spin = pictures[random_number]
          				repeat_time = repeat_time + 1
           	 			Customui:setTexture(e.eventobjid, [[7369828431314806377]],[[7369828431314806377_10]], picture_spin) --- change your element
      			until repeat_time == nil --- fill your time here
      		Player:gainItems(e.eventobjid, items_spin, 1, 1)
ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent('UI.Button.Click', spin)

IV. Explaination

1. Initialization of Arrays:

local display_number = {1, 2, 3, 4}
local items = {12499, 11600, 11667, 11668} -- fill your items here
local pictures = {"1012499", "1011600", "1011667", '1011668'} -- fill your pictures following the items here here

2. Spin Function

function spin(e)
  if e.uielement == '7369828431314806377_12' then
      local repeat_time = 0 
      local random_number
      local items_spin
      local picture_spin
          random_number = display_number[math.random(#display_number)]
          items_spin = items[random_number]
          picture_spin = pictures[random_number]
          repeat_time = repeat_time + 1
          Customui:setTexture(e.eventobjid, [[7369828431314806377]],[[7369828431314806377_10]], picture_spin)
      until repeat_time == nil --- fill your time here
      Player:gainItems(e.eventobjid, items_spin, 1, 1)

3. Event Registration:

ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent('UI.Button.Click', spin)

This line registers the spin function to be called whenever the UI.Button.Click event occurs.

V. Summary of the Script


Spin Function:

Event Registration:

Adjustments Needed Define Loop End Condition: Replace until repeat_time == nil with a proper condition, such as until repeat_time == 10 (or any other number based on how many spins you want). Ensure UI Element IDs are Correct: Verify that the UI element IDs match those in your actual project.

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