===== Rocket Backpack ===== **Unlock**: Collect shards from Spring Festival Event\\ {{survival_mode:icon12253.png?90}}\\ Equip it on the back. Press [Jump] to fly. Disappears when Durability decreases to 0.\\ Don't imitate any behaviors in game. ==== Overview ==== The {{items:rocket_backpack.png?24}} **Rocket Backpack** is an [[survival_mode:tool:equip|Equip]] item invented by Professor Stephen as a way for players to fly in Survival mode. Before crafting and using the backpack, it must be unlocked first. Currently, the only way to get it is by using [[features:mini_beans|{{survival_mode:minibean.png?24}}]] [[features:mini_beans|Mini Beans]], as there are no actual Spring Festival events. After unlocking and crafting the Rocket Backpack, pressing the Jump button in mobile devices or the Space key in a keyboard will make the player fly and will stop once the button or key is lifted. The backpack will break after its durability reaches 0 and cannot be repaired. ==== Crafting ==== (This item must be unlocked before crafting)\\ [[survival_mode:sundry:mithril|{{items:mithril.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:mithril|Mithril]] (2)\\ [[survival_mode:tool:lava_crucible|{{items:lava_crucible.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:lava_crucible|Lava Crucible]] (2)\\ [[survival_mode:block:celesthium_ore|{{items:celesthium_ore.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:block:celesthium_ore|Celesthium Ore]] (10)\\ [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|{{items:bazooka_bullet.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|Bazooka Bullet]] (2)