===== Fiery Staff ===== {{survival_mode:icon11581.png?90}}\\ Staff imbued with the power of the flame. Can be used to fire burning orbs. ==== Overview ==== The {{items:fiery_staff.png?nolink&24}} **Fiery Staff** is an [[survival_mode:tool:equip|Equip]] item used as a ranged weapon, and shoots fiery orbs. It deals between 18 damage at minimum charge (20 if headshot) to 35 damage at maximum charge (45 if headshot), and applies a burning effect to the damaged opponent, which will deal 5 damage to them every second for 4 seconds. If an animal that can drop meat dies while being burnt, it will drop their cooked meat plus some [[survival_mode:crop:over-toasting_meat|{{items:over-toasting_meat.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:over-toasting_meat|Over-toasting Meat]], but not if it dies from the initial orb attack. If the fiery orb touches a block, it'll place fire on top of it, which may also burn its surroundings if they are burnable. Each shot only consumes the staff's durability and has a cooldown of 8 seconds before shooting another orb. It can be obtained by adding a [[survival_mode:sundry:fiery_crystal_core|{{items:fiery_crystal_core.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:fiery_crystal_core|Fiery Crystal Core]] to a [[survival_mode:tool:wooden_staff|{{items:wooden_staff.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:wooden_staff|Wooden Staff]] on an [[survival_mode:tool:incomplete_crafting_table|{{items:incomplete_crafting_table.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:incomplete_crafting_table|Incomplete Crafting Table]] or a [[survival_mode:tool:crafting_table|{{items:crafting_table.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:crafting_table|Crafting Table]]. ==== Crafting ==== [[survival_mode:tool:wooden_staff|{{items:wooden_staff.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:wooden_staff|Wooden Staff]] (1)\\ [[survival_mode:sundry:fiery_crystal_core|{{items:fiery_crystal_core.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:fiery_crystal_core|Fiery Crystal Core]] (1)