===== Bazooka ===== **Unlock**: Craft by collecting shards from event\\ {{survival_mode:icon12284.png?90}}\\ Ranged Weapon. Each attack consumes 1 [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|{{items:bazooka_bullet.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|Bazooka Bullet]]. ==== Overview ==== The {{items:bazooka.png?24}} **Bazooka** is an [[survival_mode:tool:equip|Equip]] item, used as an explosive weapon to blow buildings or creatures far away. Currently, the only way to get it is by using [[features:mini_beans|{{survival_mode:minibean.png?24}}]] [[features:mini_beans|Mini Beans]], as there are no actual events that hand out Bazooka shards. After unlocking and crafting the Bazooka, [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|{{items:bazooka_bullet.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:bazooka_bullet|Bazooka Bullets]] will also be needed as these are the Bazooka's ammo. After preparing both items, holding the use button or right-click and then lifting will shoot a Bazooka Bullet out of the Bazooka and will explode when landing. ==== Crafting ==== (This item must be unlocked before crafting)\\ [[survival_mode:sundry:tungsten|{{items:tungsten.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:tungsten|Tungsten]] (1)\\ [[survival_mode:sundry:flamo|{{items:flamo.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:flamo|Flamo]] (5)\\ [[survival_mode:sundry:mithril|{{items:mithril.png?32}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:mithril|Mithril]] (5)