===== Ice Spirit Essence ===== {{items:ice_spirit_essence.png?nolink&96}} The life essence of the elemental guardian, [[survival_mode:creatures:ice_spirit_guard]], which spawns in the cold area of Miras. When transferred to a lifeless [[survival_mode:creatures:snowman|snowman]], it grants them temporary signals of life. \\ Can also be used to repair [[survival_mode:tool:frozen_stick|{{items:frozen_stick.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:frozen_stick|Frozen Stick]]. \\ ==== Attributes ==== None \\ ==== Overview ==== **Ice Spirit Essence** is an item obtained from [[survival_mode:creatures:ice_spirit_guard|Ice Spirit Guards]]. It's used to make [[survival_mode:creatures:snowman|snowmen]] sentient by tapping one with the essence. However, it will only be sentient for some time, and the essence will deactivate faster when the ambient [[game_mechanics:temperature|temperature]] is high. Tapping the snowman again with a new Ice Spirit Essence will either replenish the time left or activate it again. Ice Spirit Essence is also used to repair [[survival_mode:tool:frozen_stick|{{items:frozen_stick.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:tool:frozen_stick|Frozen Sticks]]. ==== Obtaining ==== Can be obtained by defeating [[survival_mode:creatures:ice_spirit_guard|Ice Spirit Guards]].\\ \\