====== Horas Grass Block ====== {{:survival_mode:icon117.png?70|Horas Grass Block}} ===== Description ===== Horas Grass Block, which contains basic nutrients for plant growth. Need to be collected with Mithril Shovel or more advanced ones. ===== Explanation ===== You can find Horas Grass Blok on the floating island of Horas. Use these blocks to plant **Fluerescent Grass**. ===== Obtaining ===== Mine Snowdrift using Mithril Shovel or more advanced one. \\ {{ :survival_mode:block:screenshot_2023-07-13-06-58-25-985_com.playmini.miniworld_2.jpg?400|}} ===== Attribute ===== ***ID:** 117 ***Type:** Blocks ***Blast resistance:** 10 ***Hardness:** 5 ***Sliding accel:** 1 ***Burning Speed:** 0 ***Odds of burning:** 0 ***Light intensity:** 0 ***Collision:** Solid \\ \\ ----