====== getActorsByBox ====== ---- * Parameters and types: * objtype: numberbiological type (OBJ_TYPE, 0 means all objects) OBJ_TYPE * x1,y1,z1: numberstarting coordinates * x2,y2,z2: numberend coordinates * Return value and type: * code: numberSuccess (ErrorCode.OK) ErrorCode * total: numberGet the quantity * allarr: tableobject objid group * The main function of this method is to obtain the Actor object within the range * The specific use cases are as follows: --Parameters: local objtype=1--Type parameter: 0 all 1 player 2 creature 3 drop 4 throwable local x1,y1,z1=0,7,0--area starting coordinates local x2,y2,z2=50,57,50--The coordinates of the end point of the area --Get the number and list of items of type type within the range of (x0,z0) height y0 to (x1,z1) height y1 local result,num,objids=World:getActorsByBox(objtype,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) --Display the number in the chat box Chat:sendSystemMsg("There are a total of "..num.." players in the range") --Display the list in the chat box for i,a in ipairs(objids) do Chat:sendSystemMsg("The "..i.." one: "..a) end