====== despawnCreature ====== This method functions identically to [[script:world_event:despawnactor|despawnActor]] ===== How to use ===== World:despawnCreature(objid) Where: * objid **//number//**: The id of the creature that will be despawned. And returns: * ErrorCode.Ok **//number//**: 0 if execution was succesful and 1001 if the execution failed. ==== Use example ==== When a bee spawns, it will be despawned after 10 seconds. local beeId = 3418 local delayseconds = 10 ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent([=[Actor.Create]=], function(e) local eventcreature = e['eventobjid'] local eventcreatureid = e['actorid'] if eventcreatureid == beeId then threadpool:wait(delayseconds) World:despawnCreature(eventcreature) end end)