====== Thriving ====== {{template>t:bl|name=thriving}} **Thriving** is a [[features:badges|badge]] in Mini World: CREATA. It can be unlocked or upgraded by leveling up your [[..garden]]'s plant to a certain level. {{template>t:bt | name = thriving | howto1 = Level up your garden plant to level 3 | howto2 = Level up your garden plant to level 7 | howto3 = Level up your garden plant to level 10 | howto4 = Level up your garden plant to level 15 | howto5 = Level up your garden plant to level 20 | score1 = 10 | score2 = 20 | score3 = 30 | score4 = 50 | score5 = 100 }} ===== See also ===== * [[features:badges:green_gardener|{{badges:green_gardener_s1.png?32}}]] [[features:badges:green_gardener]] * [[features:badges:bug_buster|{{badges:bug_buster_s1.png?32}}]] [[features:badges:bug_buster]] * [[features:badges:big_harvest|{{badges:big_harvest_s1.png?32}}]] [[features:badges:big_harvest]]