======Plugin Function====== =====What Are Plugins?===== A plugin is a tool that can change the original blocks/creatures/props of the map, and can also add custom game content. The plugin is stored in the plugin library, which is represented as a block, creature or prop one by one.\\ For example, the grass blocks in the game will drop soil blocks when destroyed. You can modify it directly to make it drop diamonds after being destroyed, or change it to look like a fruit tree, or make the grass blocks dig at the same speed as stones. slow. **To modify the properties of existing elements in the game, use plugins to achieve.**\\ But if I want to add a block that is not in the game, then I have to choose the add-on of the plug-in, choose a template to edit directly, and add it to the game as a brand new block. **After modifying the existing elements in the game, adding instead of modifying the original content, this new addition is also realized by plugins.**\\ There are 2 ways to get to the plugin library i.e. from outside the map or from within the map.\\ {{ :developer_center:20230709_175142.jpg?600 |}} =====Types of plugins===== The plugins are divided into 7 categories, **Block, Creature, Items, Recipes, Smelting, Storyline, and Status.**\\ -The three **Blocks, Creatures, **and **Items** are to modify or add elements in the game, such as new creatures, new items, etc.\\ -**Recipe **and **Smelting** These two are recipes that modify or add to crafting or smelting.\\ -**Storyline** is to add content such as plots, dialogues or tasks to the game.\\ -**Status** is to modify or add the status BUFF effect in the game.\\ {{ :developer_center:20230709_182123.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Block Plugin Settings==== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model\\ {{ :developer_center:block1.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Attribute:** *Explosion Resistance *Hardness *Sliding Accel *Burning Speed *Light Intensity *Block Drop *Collision Type *Can Be Crushed by Throwing Objects\\ {{ :developer_center:block2.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Creature Plugin Settings==== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model *Model size\\ {{ :developer_center:creature1.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Attribute:** *Creature type *Health *Attack *Whether it can move *Moving speed *Moving characteristics *Output level experience *Dropped objects *Dropped star experience *Dropped items *Backpack capacity *Hunger point *Satiety\\ {{ :developer_center:creatyre2.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Battle:** *Group team *Attack range *Field of vision *Whether to attack *Attack type *Attack mode *Attack incidental effects *Attack characteristics\\ {{ :developer_center:creature3.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Advanced:** Creature Trait Attributes\\ {{ :developer_center:creature4.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Interaction:** *Open the store *Such as setting the storyline or dialogue will also be displayed here\\ {{ :developer_center:creature5.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Items Plugin Settings==== Items are divided into **Misc, Tools, Bow, Ammo/Projectile, Firearms, Food, Lucky Bag, and Equipment.**\\ {{ :developer_center:20230709_210719.jpg?600 |}} ===Misc:=== ***Appearance:** *Name, *Description, *Model\\ ***Attribute:** *Max stacks, *Advanced physics (physics material, resistance, corner resistance, mass, gravity influence) ***Skills:** Item skills\\ {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-21-25-46-085_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Tools:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model ***Attribute:** *Damage *Attacking will *Charge time *Tools type *Tool lv. *Efficiency buff *Collecting will *Durability *Repair material *Restoring value ***Skills:** Item skills {{ :developer_center:items2.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Bow:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *description *model ***Attribute:** *Damage *Attacking will *Charge time *Initial speed *Ammunition *Consumption quantity *Durability *Repair materials *Restoring value ***Skills:** Item skills {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-21-41-30-692_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Ammo/Projectile:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model ***Attribute:** *Maximum number of stacks *Throwable *Charging mode *Charge time *Projecctile ATK *Attack type *Gravity *Initial speed *Velocity *Hit target *Trigger delay *Recyclable *Break blocks *Advanced Physics (Physical Material, Drag, Corner Drag, Mass, Gravity Influence) ***Skills:** Item skills {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-21-57-48-794_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Firearm:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model ***Attribute:** *firearm type *Damage *Fire rate *Bullets *Ammunition *Firing mode *Full Auto mode *Initial speed *Weight ***Skills:** Item skills {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-22-05-18-564_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Food:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model ***Attribute:** *Maximum number of stacks *Use time *Food meter *Hunger *Increase stamina *Heal HP ***Skills:** prop skills {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-22-03-44-649_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Lucky Bag:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model ***Attribute:** *Type *Opening conditions (consumed items and quantity) ***Included Items:** Items and Quantities {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-22-10-01-371_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ===Equipment:=== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Model *Equipment type *Add model ***Attribute:** *Durability *Repair Materials *Restoring value *Melee Defense *Ranged Defense *Explosion Defense *Burning Defense *Poison Defense *Chaos Defense ***Skills:** Add effects {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-22-13-16-774_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Recipe Plugin Settings==== ***Recipe attributes:** *Target product *Recipe type *Production quantity *Minimum required crafting *Materials required {{ :developer_center:recipe1.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Smelting Plugin Settings==== ***Smelting attributes:** *Smelting raw materials *Use as fuel *Smelting time *Smelting output {{ :developer_center:screenshot_2023-07-09-22-29-20-097_com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Storyline Plugin Settings==== ***Storyline settings:** *Storyline name *Icon *Precondition *Storyline dialogue *Trigger target ***Task List:** Edit Tasks {{ :developer_center:storyline.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ====List of Status Plugin Settings==== ***Appearance:** *Name *Description *Icon *Special effects *Sound effects {{ :developer_center:status1.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Effect:** Add effect {{ :developer_center:status2com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} {{ :developer_center:status2efek.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}} ***Attributes:** *Continuous mode *Duration time *Status type *Priority *Death not cleared *Active attack cleared state *Received damage cleared state {{ :developer_center:status3.com.playmini.miniworld.jpg?600 |}}