====== HOW TO USE IF... THEN/ IF... THEN ... OTHERWISE ====== Introduction: If... then/ If... then... otherwise is two of conditions in Mini World. Now let's go to read this tutorial. This is **If... then** codeblock: {{:developer_center:ifthen1.png?nolink&900|}} This is **If... then... otherwise** codeblock: {{:developer_center:ifthen2.png?nolink&900|}} =====1. Condition===== {{:developer_center:ifthen3.png?nolink|}} **The structure If...then must have the condition. If it doesn't have the condition it will run else case** **Example 1:** The structure doen't have a condition {{:developer_center:ifthen4.png?nolink|}} {{:developer_center:ifthen5.png?nolink|}} **Example 2:** The structure has condition. My codition is Player's HP = 100 {{:developer_center:ifthen6.png?nolink|}} {{:developer_center:ifthen7.png?nolink|}} ===== 2. Action ===== **1. True action** You can fill true action here {{:developer_center:ifthen9.png?nolink|}} Explanation: If the player’s information is true, it will activate the true action **2. False action** You can fill false action here {{:developer_center:ifthen10.png?nolink|}} If player's information is false. It will activate false action ====== => WE HAVE THIS DIAGRAM: ====== {{:developer_center:ifthen8.png?nolink|}} ---- If you have any questions about Developer Tools, feel free to join our official discord server [[https://discord.gg/NVRZHBChBt|Mini World Global DEV discord]]