====== Prep Point ====== \\ {{:developer_center:prep_point.png?nolink&64|Prep Point}}\\ ===== Description ===== You will start from here waiting for the game to start. When the game starts, you will be transferred to the Spawn Point. \\ ===== How To Use ===== When players enter the PVP map and it takes 2 or more players to be able to start the game. Then the map needs a preparation location to wait for other players to join, put this tool in that location. \\ {{ :developer_center:developer_tools:screenshot_2023-07-16-11-32-33-285_com.playmini.miniworld_2.jpg?600 |}} \\ ===== Settings ===== PVP map developers need to set whether the host will start the game or the game will automatically start when enough players have joined. \\ For settings select **Basic - Map Rules - Start Settings**. \\ {{ :developer_center:developer_tools:screenshot_2023-07-16-11-34-25-378_com.playmini.miniworld_2.jpg?600 |}} \\ You can activate **Join game in progress** so that other players can join even though the game has already started and set the countdown time to start the game. \\ ----