====== Rouding a string ====== ==== Finished product ==== {{ :developer_center:developer_editor:script:202408171511_1_.mp4?700 |}} ==== UI Design ==== {{ :developer_center:developer_editor:script:202408171511.mp4?700 |}} ==== Diagram ==== {{:developer_center:developer_editor:script:international_system_of_units_si_..png?nolink|}} {{:developer_center:developer_editor:script:screenshot_1723893657.png?nolink|}} ====Script==== local name_of_element = nil --- they're a string like : "Coins" local text_element = nil local uiid = nil local trigger_variable = nil --- they're a string --- function round(e) while true do Trigger:wait(0.1) local result, new_coins_result = VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName(e.eventobjid, 3, trigger_variable ) if new_coins_result >= 1000 and new_coins_result < 1000000 then new_re = string.format("%.1f", new_coins_result / 1000) .. "K" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000) .. "M" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000) .. "B" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000000) .. "T" ---- Continue for "Qa" and "Q" else new_re = tostring(new_coins_result) end Customui:setText(e.eventobjid, uiid, text_element, name_of_element .. new_re) end end ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", round) ==== Explanation ==== === Variable Initialization: === local name_of_element = nil --- they're a string local text_element = nil local uiid = nil local trigger_variable = nil --- they're a string ... === Getting the variable from variable library: === local result, new_coins_result = VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName(e.eventobjid, 3, trigger_variable ) * **VarLib2:getPlayerVarByName** is used to retrieve a player's variable from variable library. * See more here: **[[developer_center:developer_editor:script:varlib|Varlib]]** ===Convert it into a new string following the International System of Units (SI) === if new_coins_result >= 1000 and new_coins_result < 1000000 then new_re = string.format("%.1f", new_coins_result / 1000) .. "K" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000) .. "M" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000) .. "B" elseif new_coins_result >= 1000000000000 and new_coins_result < 1000000000000000 then new_re = string.format("%.0f", new_coins_result / 1000000000000) .. "T" else new_re = tostring(new_coins_result) end * This section formats the new_coins_result value based on its magnitude. Depending on the range in which **new_coins_result** falls, it formats the number with appropriate suffixes like "K" (thousands), "M" (millions), "B" (billions), "T" (trillions), etc. ===Updating UI === Customui:setText(e.eventobjid, uiid, text_element, name_of_element .. new_re) **Customui:setText** updates the text in the UI, combining **name_of_element** with the formatted **new_re**. ===Event Registration: === ScriptSupportEvent:registerEvent("UI.Show", round) The **round** function is registered as a handler for the "UI.Show" (you can use "Game.AnyPlayer.EnterGame) event, meaning it will be called whenever the "UI.Show" event is triggered. ---- If you have any questions about Developer Tools, feel free to join our official discord server [[https://discord.gg/NVRZHBChBt|Mini World Global DEV discord]]