====== MapMark Class ====== Class For MapMark Interface [[developer_center:developer_editor:script|Return To Previous Page]] ------ ===== API list ===== ^ Class:apiName(parameters) ^ Return ^ Description ^ |[[developer_editor:script:newShape|newShape(...)]]| ErrorCode.OK shapeid:number | Add a new shape (line, rectangle, circle) | |[[developer_editor:script:deleteShape|deleteShape(...)]]| ErrorCode.OK | Delete a shape | |[[developer_editor:script:setShapeColor|setShapeColor(...)]] | ErrorCode.OK | Set the shape color | |[[developer_editor:script:showShape|showShape(...)]] | ErrorCode.OK | Set the shape to display or hide | |[[developer_editor:script:updateLine|updateLine(...)]] | ErrorCode.OK | Update the shape (line shape), pass in the start coordinates and end coordinates | |[[developer_editor:script:updateRectangle|updateRectangle(...)]] | ErrorCode.OK | Update the shape (rectangle), pass in the starting coordinates and dimensions | |[[developer_editor:script:updateCircle|updateCircle(...)]] | ErrorCode.OK | Update the shape (circle), and pass in the coordinates and radius of the center of the circle |