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Meow Meow

Miss Ben's long-lost mantra appeared, which meant ……

Boom! Miss Ben didn't touch the fish today!

also brought a “fishing” expert!

  • Avatar: Unlock Avatar
  • Footprint: Leaves cat head footprints wherever you walk


  • Birthday: Octorber 27
  • Constellation: Scorpio
  • Star power can make you invisible and is best used for mischief.
  • Introduction: In the world of cuteness and mischief, Miaomiao says she is number one, no

one dares to say she is nurriber two, it's up to you!


The moon is unmatched: What the?! The first place in the cute star trick-or-treater is not a bear child?!

Star Spirit Bobo: Speaking of which, Miaomiao is even the idol of the bear child!

Wonderful: Low-key low-key …… It's me wonderful!

Two or three things about the trick-or-treating king

Speaking of the mischievous people of the cute star, the first thing that comes to mind is the bear child.

But the truth is! There is someone outside the first celebrity who is cute and trick-or-treating!

That's ……


Usually Miaomiao hides her “true identity” and is a good child in everyone's eyes. But at some point, he will turn into a cunning black cat and carefully plan mischievous actions.

The biggest headache is that Miao Miao is so accurate with the severity of mischief that she can do it every time to the extent that she can bother her victim without lashing out.

In fact, this ability is all because Miao Miao has the star power that can be invisible (it's simply a necessary skill for trick-or-treating (ゝω・)

Wonderful: What the? Say I'm small? Guess when this fish bone appeared on your couch?

Miao Miao would leave a fishbone dart at the trick-or-treating scene every time, and she would secretly steal herself, stay at the scene to observe everyone's anxious reactions, and take pleasure in it.

Miaomiao also likes to listen to others tell her trick-or-trick deeds - after all, who would have thought that this “other people's child” would be a trick-or-treating master~

Over time, Miao Miao became the “fishbone master” by the children in the trick-or-treating world, and was the idol of all trick-or-treating children, including, of course……

Bear child: Fishbone Master!! Take me as a disciple!!

skins/meow_meow.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/19 06:56 by don