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Ancient Black Dragon


Its has been many year since the Black Dragon guarded the Broken Flame Sword, the promise make the “Ancient” is still remembered. To obtain the Broken Flame Sword, you must past its trial and prove your strength to the Black Dragon.


Creature ID 1203526
Model ID 3502
Type Boss
HP 2750
Melee attack (bite) damage 300
Projectile damage 80
Attack effect Burning 1
Assault type Hostile
Item drop N/A
Star exp drop 600 exp/60 level


How to kill the Ancient Black Dragon

Between day 50-150, you may have already got the upgrade for teleport stations to travel to Flamas. Then you head to the boss location following mini map, once you have made it there the fight starts. But before you fight the ancient black dragon, this page will tell you the items you need. Also, don’t forget to create a Backup before you fight.

After you have beaten the ancient dragon, it's recommended to put the statue of its head somewhere safe (like a host only safe). You can also put the statue on display to flex. On top of a golden block, or with other special trophies. Just make sure that no vandals should break and steal your statue!

Other Info

After defeat this boss, you unlock 5 new recipe including A Bundle of Corns, Life Crystal, Rock Crystal, Lava Horn and Lava Stone Use on to summon the Black Dragon of Lava