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With the help of stars and willpower, Astrology begins to work. The wheels of fate intertwine, foretelling the cycle of destiny. Legends of the future never fade away. And I, in search of that which has been lost.

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I heard, that Lambert is a senior astrologer who comes from a family of pure blue-blooded astrologers!

: “In fact, I think it has nothing to do with bloodline. It is really meaningful to use astrology for the right path.”

What does Lambert think of astrology?

: “I believe that astrology is a combination of destiny and personal will, and its real value is to provide guidance to the inquirer about the destiny of life. If astrology is used for power struggles, it is simply blasphemy!”

So well said! Turning the gears of destiny is the meaning of astrology, right? By the way, I heard that Lambert is also a top student and is good at many subjects?

: “No, I just practiced numerology, astronomy, and magic spells. I believe the study of these subjects will also help improve astrology.”

Does Lambert have anything to say to everyone?

: “Astrology isn't a secretive technique. Just about anybody can look at the starry nightsky… And listen carefully, the stars might be whispering~


Lambert is a senior astrologer at Magic Academy and comes from a family of pure blue-blooded astrologers. He devoted his life to the pursuit of justice and righteousness, using astrology to guide others, and using his wisdom to decipher the mysteries of destiny. From an early age, Lambert showed a great interest in astronomy and astrology. As a member of an astrologer family, he received elite education from his family since childhood and studied astrology, numerology and astronomy in depth. After reaching the age of admission to the Academy of Magic, he enrolled for a higher level of education, not only becoming extremely proficient in astrology, but also minoring in magical spells, which allowed him to use a variety of skills.

: “I believe that astrology is a combination of fate and personal will that can provide guidance to people and help them choose the direction of their lives.”

Lambert is able to accurately and meticulously interpret the stars, study the horoscope attentively, and strive to give the inquirer the most real and effective guidance. Lambert's family has a powerful enemy named Andras Graven.

: “Andras comes from a different astrology family, with a very different philosophy.”

I heard he is a master of maneuvering?

: “Yes. Andras saw astrology as a means of gaining power, using it to pursue his own selfish interests and to control others by manipulating the stars!”

Control others? Was it done using astrology?

: “Yes, astrology can not only provide insights into people's minds, but can also be used to enhance one's own influence, but this is against moral principles.”

Where is the Temple of Astrology?

: “This is a secret place hidden among the ancient stars. It is said that the palace contains the most profound knowledge of astrology.”

Lambert embarks on a dangerous and mysterious journey. He needs to prove his qualifications by solving puzzles and trials, and finally enters the palace of astrology. In the hall, Lambert met the master of astrology Jacques, an old man with both wisdom and power. Jacques recognized Lambert's potential and decided to become his mentor. He imparted deeper knowledge of astrology to Lambert, helping him further understand the mysteries of the universe and master more advanced astrological techniques. Finally, Lambert is ready to return to Magic Academy and face Andras in one final duel.

In the college square, the atmosphere between the two became tense. Lambert wears his astrologer's robes, his magic hat glittering with stars. Andras relied on his Machiavellian tactics and followers to face the challenge with confidence. The two stood in the square, a strong energy surrounding them. In the fierce battle, Lambert used the astrology and magic skills he learned to fight against Andras's conspiracy and tricks. He discerned Andras's weakness and defeated his opponent with wisdom and courage. In the end, Lambert defeated Andras and made his past crimes public, and Andras was finally brought to justice. Lambert's victory sent shockwaves through the astrological community. Lambert has become a hero in people's eyes. His victory will inspire more people to pursue justice and justice, and use astrology to bring hope and enlightenment to mankind.