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The red pot and the cooking aroma carry all kinds of stories of mankind. Heal your body and mind with ingredients, comfort your soul with cooking smoke. The magical taste makes everyone goes like: So fresh! So spicy! I'll have some more!

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Interview time

Arell: Eh? Where's Wushuang? Why is there an advertisement at the beginning?

Wushuang: Today's introduction is up to you! The anniversary celebration of “Gudong” has begun, I'm going to queue up at Food Fun Star!

Arell: Huh? Is it really that delicious?

Wushuang:The proprietress Gudong, who rarely appears in public, will serve the dishes herself this time. Gudong's customized diet therapy can heal the body and comfort the soul~ I want to learn from her!

Arell: Wait for me!!!…I'm walking too fast.

The fiery red calligraphy scroll is hung under the red lanterns, and the surrounding is filled with a festive atmosphere.

Today is the anniversary of “Gudong Soup”, and the entire Food Star is bustling with activity.

Tangerine Tabby: Phew~ It’s finally my turn!

Wushuang:Wow, why are there so many people? I’m still late.

Tangerine Tabby: I've been waiting in line since before dawn! Madam, please order!

Gudong: Here we come! Would you like red soup, clear soup or Yuanyang soup base?

Tangerine Tabby: Let’s order a Yuanyang one. I heard that your red soup and clear soup have unique flavors!

Gudong: Sir, you have good taste. Is there anything you would like to order?

Tangerine Tabby: I eat too much every day and feel like my digestion is not good.

Gudong: Okay, I'll serve you the food.

Gudong: The foods is served!!

On both sides of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang shaped partition are the hot and spicy red soup and the clear and mellow white soup.

Juicy tomatoes are added to the red soup to help digestion with gastric juice;

Chicken gizzards are added to the white soup to promote gastric acid secretion.

Along with the pot, dishes were also served on a mahogany cart.

Gudong: You may first try the dessert - papaya yogurt jelly, which may help you absorb the food.

Tangerine Tabby: So delicious! This refreshing and pleasant taste is smooth and delicious, and there is no astringency at all! I only heard that “Gudong Geng” is a specialty of hot pot, but I didn't expect the desserts to be so amazing.

Gudong: As long as the guest is satisfied, I will serve the dishes to the guest~

The waiter pushing a cart hurriedly brought the dishes to the table and put them into the pot.

The gurgling soup is boiling with fresh dishes, and the rising steam makes the oranges look rosy and shiny.

Gudong watched the waiter serve the dishes while explaining the effects of the soup base and the dishes.

Listening to the explanation, Orange put each dish into his mouth and savored it carefully.

Gudong: This steam also has a beauty effect when it is applied to the face.

Tangerine Tabby: Mmm…delicious…this one is delicious too! Delicious, delicious!

After the hot pot meal, I could only hear Orange's constant praise. The proprietress watched Orange eat faster and faster and couldn't help but smile and remind him:

Gudong: Sir, eating so fast is not good for digestion.

After finishing his meal with a grunt, Orange suddenly discovered that there seemed to be warm currents flowing and gathering in his stomach, repairing his overused organs.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed since the anniversary celebration, and the famous gourmet Orange’s store recommendation column has updated the article “Dietary Therapeutic Hot Pot “Gudong Geng””.

In response, Orange gave the highest praise ever: as long as the store survives, they will definitely come back to taste the food every year during its anniversary celebration.