
The galaxy where this planet is located is far away from the star in the galaxy. The climate is cold all year round, with ice and snow everywhere. It is winter for almost nine months a year, and the weather will only warm up slightly in less than three months.

The creatures on this planet are generally very strong, both in strength and size. Even the hares are much bigger than those on other planets, and they can jump higher and run faster. The large beasts are even more powerful. The bears here are giant bears, and some are as tall as eight or nine meters. The animals on Frozen have thick and lush fur. The fine and soft long hair can ensure that they maintain a sufficient body temperature. Various fur products are also the oldest and most famous industries on Binghua Star. Similarly, the people living on this planet are also very tall and strong. The people on Frozen are generally more than two meters tall, strong and powerful.