====== Desert Merchant ====== {{survival_mode:creatures:desert_merchant.jpeg?nolink}} ===== Description ===== **Desert Merchants** live alone in houses made of [[survival_mode:block:plain_brick|{{items:plain_brick.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:block:plain_brick|Plain Bricks]] in deserts and can spend stars to buy items and items to buy stars. Desert Merchants are not always easy to find even if a player searches near their base, and if they are unlucky, they may have to go as far as 10,000 blocks away to find them. If a player finds a Desert Merchant, it is recommended for them to place a marker on the map so that they can come back later. Desert Merchants have a habit of following players that are holding [[survival_mode:crop:cooked_rice|{{items:cooked_rice.png?24}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:cooked_rice|Cooked Rice]] in their hand, and they can use this habit to bring them to any place they want. However, if the difference in elevation is too great, the Desert Merchant will not be able to follow them, and if they are underwater, the Desert Merchant's movement speed will decrease and it will not be able to climb steps because it cannot jump. If the merchant goes underwater, use Stairs or Cantboards to help it climb the steps and get out of the water and onto land. ===== Attribute ===== * Creature Type: Animals * HP: 90 * Attack Type: Non-Attack * View Field: 10 Blocks * Movement Speed: 200 (slow) * Drop Star EXP: 0 * Drop Item: None ===== Items Redeem ===== Desert Merchants can sell and buy various items and can reset what they are selling, etc. by spending 5 stars. To buy an item, use a Star; to buy a Star, use an item. See the box below for items that can be bought and sold. Item can be bought using Star. ^ Goods ^ Quantity ^ Price ^ Purchasable ^ |[[survival_mode:crop:crab_leg|{{survival_mode:icon12527.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:crop:crab_leg|Crab Leg]]| 1 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 1 | 2 | |[[survival_mode:sundry:lucid_glass_block|{{items:lucid_glass_block.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:sundry:lucid_glass_block|Glass Block]]| 5–10 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 1 | 5 | |[[survival_mode:tool:stone_arrow|{{survival_mode:icon12051.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:tool:stone_arrow|Stone Arrow]]| 8–15 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 1 | 5 | |[[survival_mode:tool:mithril_greaves|{{survival_mode:icon12223.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:tool:mithril_greaves|Mithril Greaves]]| 1 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 5–10 | 1 | |[[survival_mode:tool:chain_cuirass|{{survival_mode:icon12212.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:tool:chain_cuirass|Chain Cuirass]]| 1 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 15–30 | 1 | |[[survival_mode:tool:chain_greaves|{{survival_mode:icon12213.png?32}}]][[survival_mode:tool:chain_greaves|Chain Greaves]]| 1 | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?16x16}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] \\ 10–20 | 1 | Desert Merchants usually want more items sold to them than Stars. Stars can be purchased by consuming items, but since the number of items consumed is large compared to the number of Stars that can be purchased, it is recommended that Star purchases be made by consuming items that are not needed. ^ Goods ^ Quantity ^ Price ^ Purchasable ^ | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:cucumber|{{survival_mode:icon236.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:cucumber|Cucumber]] \\ 30–80 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:cotton_block|{{survival_mode:icon1594.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:cotton_block|Cotton Block]] \\ 20–50 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:corn|{{survival_mode:icon229.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:corn|Corn]] \\ 30-120 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:crab_leg|{{survival_mode:icon12527.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:crab_leg|Crab Leg]] \\ 20-45 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:dodo_egg|{{items:dodo_egg.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:dodo_egg|]] \\ 30-60 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:fine_feather|{{items:fine_feather.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:fine_feather|]] \\ 20-50 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:flammable_ice|{{items:flammable_ice.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:flammable_ice|]] \\ 30-50 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:flamo|{{items:flamo.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:flamo|Flamo]] \\ 8-13 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:giant_buru|{{items:gaint_buru.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:giant_buru|Giant Buru]] \\ 20-50 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:giant_scaly_fruit|{{items:giant_scaly_fruit.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:giant_scaly_fruit|Giant Scaly Fruit]] \\ 20-50 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:silk_thread|{{items:silk_thread.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:silk_thread|Silk Thread]] \\ 10-25 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:sweetpotato|{{items:sweetpotato.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:sweetpotato|]] \\ 30-64 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:tonton_meat|{{items:tonton_meat.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:tonton_meat|]] \\ 25-64 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:sundry:unstable_compound|{{items:unstable_compound.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:sundry:unstable_compound|]] \\ 20-64 | 10 | | [[gameplay:star_exp|{{survival__mode:gameplay:star_item.png?32x32}}]] [[gameplay:star_exp|Star]] | 1 | [[survival_mode:crop:wowomon_steak|{{survival_mode:icon12516.png?16}}]] [[survival_mode:crop:wowomon_steak]] \\ 25-64 | 10 | In addition to the items listed above, stars can be purchased using lotton meat and animal bones, but these two items are not listed because they are not available in the current version (1.4.22). Press Item or Star to view items available for purchase.