=====Mousse===== {{ :skins:mousse.png?nolink&100|}} //What're the most important things of Christmas Eve? Snow, cakes, magic and wonderful you!// ====Universe==== * Name: Mousse * Occupation: Chief Pastry Chef * Belongs to: Kousei region * Trick: Sweet Ceremony * Friend: {{:skin_icons:51.png?nolink&32|}}[[skins:lilith]] Mousse can not only make large-scale dessert combinations instantly according to your own ideas, but it can also store and transport the prepared items to other places. It is said that she has a little secret~ ====Interview==== //Before becoming a magical pastry chef, she was not good at baking, and she did not have the sweet name "mousse".// //But she grew up in a warm, happy and sweet family. She had aristocratic behavior and thinking logic since she was a child, and she believed that her own power could bring changes to her hometown.// //Mousse loves holiday celebrations and hopes to create a festival paradise. However, the residents of his hometown are paying more and more attention to pragmatism, and few people pay attention to the ritual magic of "creating atmosphere".// {{:skin_icons:83.png?nolink&32|}} Mousse: Whenever I'm in a crowd, I always want to do something, but I don't know what to do. {{:skin_icons:51.png?nolink&32|}} Lilith: Come and study at Rezelaar Academy of Magic! You will have unexpected gains~ //Mousse met his friends Lilith and Jock, and made rapid progress with their help.// //Until one day, news came from my hometown: the power of the "Grand Ceremony" is about to disappear because of the lack of emotional power to maintain the ceremony.// //For the paradise that lingered in her heart, she went there alone and showed her abilities on the spot.// A huge mousse cake palace was erected in the middle of the street; //Every home is decorated with icing, gifts and sweets; With just the right music, lights and snowflakes, The entire neighborhood was touched by the gorgeous and sweet-smelling candy rain. {{:skin_icons:83.png?nolink&32|}} Mousse: Life needs a sense of ritual and surprise! //From then on, there was a permanent sweet place on the planet Aofa, and there was also a holiday magician named "Mousse".// //More importantly, the place is filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere all year round, attracting many travelers from other planets, turning this place back into the candy city full of "festival" power many years ago. //