====== Crimson Marrior - Mulan ====== {{ :skins:crimson_warrior_mulan.png?nolink&200|}} //Amidst the intensity of combat and the ballet of swords, clashing steel and booming hooves. I've never been afraid on the bloody battlefield, because I'm fighting for my country. It's only the loneliness and homesickness that bring tears to my eyes late at night// ==== Skin Effects: ==== * **Special Transformation:** Experience in-game morphing, altering your appearance and statel * **[[skins:dream_crossing_mulan|Costume Change Switch to Dream Crossinng Mulan attire. Click the left button for a preview]]** * **Exclusive Voiceover:** Exclusive voiceuver will play within the nag. Cilck the left button * **Avatar Frame:** Automatically unlock the dynamic avatar frame after being nitained ====Obtaining Method==== The Crimson Warrior - Mulan skin is available as a claimable bonus with the purchase of **[[skins:dream_crossing_mulan|Dream Crossing Mulan]]**.