====== How to Sign Up As a Developer ====== This tutorial is tailored for new players in 2024. While there are various ways to sign up as a developer, this guide focuses on the easiest method. ===== Follow These Steps: ===== ===== Step 1: Go To Developer Service Centre ===== {{ :developer_center:how_to_open_developer_service_center.png?nolink&600 |}} {{ :developer_center:scroll_down_to_see_the_button.png?nolink&600 |}} **To Start, Create a Developer Map:** Follow these steps to create your first developer map: {{ :developer_center:create_a_develope_map.png?nolink&600 |}} {{ :developer_center:selecting_map_type.png?nolink&600 |}} Then, publish the map you just created. Learn how to upload a map [[survival_mode:howtouploadmap|How to Upload Map?]]. After publishing your map, you'll receive a confirmation message and see the developer center interface displaying your published map(s). {{ :developer_center:congratsformakingthemap.png?nolink&600 |}} == This how it looks like after published a map== {{ :developer_center:developer_centre.png?nolink&600 |}} ===== Step 2: Apply for The Test ===== To become a Full Developer, you must pass a test. Here's how: Navigate to the Developer Centre and locate the test menu: {{ :developer_center:developer_centre_test.png?nolink&600 |}} * 1. Go to Account Management Menu. * 2. Choose Account Rights. * 3. Find the "Pass the Test and Become an Official Developer" button. Answer all the test questions correctly. Be cautious as you only have one attempt, and the questions may vary based on your account status. After completing the test, you'll have a better understanding of the rules and guidelines for map development. ---- ====== What Should You Do Next? ====== To progress effectively, focus on these key areas: === Verify Your Shop Function === This is essential to start earning from your creations. By verifying your shop function, you can showcase your talent and attract players to engage with your content. Learn how to verify your shop function. [[developer_center:how_to_verify| Verify Shop Function]] === Understand What Maps To Create === Tailor your maps to meet player preferences for engaging experiences. Explore map creation strategies and player preferences [[developer_center:developer_operation_guide#step_into_market|Learn More About Market]]. By focusing on these areas, you can enhance your development journey and create experiences that resonate with players.