~~NOTOC~~ ====== Chief's Wife ====== {{ :skin_icons:7.png?nolink|}} **Chief's Wife** is a playable character in Mini World that can be unlocked with 150 {{:items:character_shards:bone_hairpin.png?0x32&nolink|}} **Bone Hairpin** shards. ===== Description ===== Muscular primitive mother who is good at hunting. ===== Character skill ===== The skill of Chief's Wife is named **Hunting Expert** and requires 400 {{:items:character_shards:bone_hairpin.png?0x32&nolink|}} **Bone Hairpin** shards to activate. It gives creatures a chance to drop more items when killed by the player. * **Level 1:** There's a 25% chance to get double drops when defeating monsters. * **Level 2:** There's a 25%/15% chance to get double/triple drops when defeating monsters.