~~NOTOC~~ ====== Agent Laura ====== {{ :skin_icons:9.png?nolink|}} **Agent Laura** is a playable character in Mini World that can be unlocked with 200 {{:items:others:dressup_card.png?0x32&nolink|}} **Dress-up Cards**. ===== Description ===== The dream girl of a security company who loves exciting adventures. ===== Character skill ===== Agent Laura's skill is named **Premoniton** and requires 300 {{:items:character_shards:lip_print.png?0x32nolink|}} **Lip Print** shards to activate. This skill can recover the player's health when they take fatal damage, but it has a cooldown before it can be used again. * **Level 1:** Respawn with 25% HP immediately when damage taken is greater than 45 which results in death. The cooldown time is 5 min. * **Level 2:** Respawn with 50% HP immediately when damage taken is greater than 25 which results in death. The cooldown time is 3 min.